Tuesday, August 26, 2008

That's One Sexy Vacuum You've Got There Ma'am...

I've had this totally random thought in my head & thought I'd share. Hope it makes you giggle...

I hate cleaning. I don't keep it a secret. But, my hubby LOVES a clean house. A clean house makes him SOOOO happy. Whether the house is clean or dirty will affect his mood. So, needless to say, he's grumpy a lot. HAHA! Not really.

I, in skimpy lingerie, will not receive the same jubilant response from him that a clean house will. I'm guessing that a huge turn-on would be me, fully clothed, with vacuum in hand. So, when I know my hubby will be arriving home from work today, I'm going to dig my bucket of cleaning supplies out of the back of the tallest cupboard in the hall closet & get to workin'.

I'm off to polish up the vacuum now. I think I might even dab some lemon scented Pledge behind my ears...


  1. You know, if you spray a little furniture polish on your radiators, it will smell clean even if it isn't. Because the brain associates that smell with "just cleaned", he will think the house is cleaner than in fact it is! Honest!!!

  2. my husband is the same. once we worked out the he loves it and i hate it (housework that is) everything's been grand since. he gets an insane amount of pleasure from shiny surfaces and freshly vacuumed floors.

    it's odd but i still love him!

  3. OMG - this is sooooo my hubby, he hates my house being a mess and I always think it is lol.
    love the piccy

  4. I've rebelled against the clean house demands put upon me by hubby by making myself a plaque that reads "boring women have clean houses" and displayed it prominately in my kitchen window! Ha!

  5. A little pledge behind the ears- lol. I bet they were hoping for a picture when they googled it though. ;)


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