You can think of it as a kick-start to your "Spring Cleaning". (The first day of Spring is March 20th! Wheeee! I'm so excited!)
Is this too WaCkY? I may be the only one that enters my own contest. Take a picture, send me your JPEG & (if it's not offensive) I'll add it to this blog post. And to encourage you in your "Spring Cleaning" endeavors, I'll randomly pick a winner to receive one of my cupcake plushie pillows! (I'll let you choose a felt color!)
You have until Sunday, March 15th to send me your picture, along with your name & your blog link, if you have one. My email is whimsy-girl [at] hotmail DOT com. I'll announce the winner on Monday, March 16th.
Happy hairball hunting!
UPDATE: Feel free to use the "Couch Cushion Cooties Contest!" blog button I made that's located on the sidebar!
*The picture of MY couch "cooties" include: a handmade beanbag, a tiny plastic cow, a gold twist tie, popcorn kernels, a hairband, paper scraps, felt scraps, an ink pen, my daughter's paper "Q" book from school, a lollipop stick, random miniature dowels, a piece of Twix candy wrapper, a pretty vintage button, & one those "helicopter" seed pod things.
********************************************************************Holly: 2 used tissues ( I think, and eww gross), a plastic toy top, Sophie Le Giraffe, an orange bowl, a yellow lion, a yellow jelly bracelet, a Minnie Mouse coaster, a yarn label, a red piece of yarn, 1 cheerio, 3 raisins, a spoon to my daughters tea set, an unopened lip balma, Yo Gabba Gabba valentine (laminated for playtime), a hair elastic, 2 scraps of paper (one with Shrek baby on it)
********************************************************************Debbie: a plastic toy cell phone, a yellow crayon, a plastic "Doc Oc" arm, and an empty packet of Arby Sauce...ewww!
********************************************************************Becky: This was in the couches in the living room. it's like a minagerie of holidays....easter candy, snowflake christmas ornament, glitter for something and then thread, thread, thread. I sew while the kids read to me....hee hee
Jennifer: Just some random popcorn and a bunch of wires from our surround sound system. Oh, well. I tried! LOL! I'm glad I looked, though! Gotta get those popcorn kernels out of there! LOL!
Michelle: A top to pjs that my middle son grew out of months ago, a pair of shorts the baby wore last summer, one of my older son's socks, a washcloth, nail clippers, a Gap price tag, a cheerio, a goldfish cracker, a rock, a water bottle cap, parts of sweet tart and m&m wrappers, a lollipop stick, purple crayon wrapper, some pennies, and a smiley sun sticker.
Sophie: Okay, I've got some unused bandage tape, some scraps of paper, a twig, a plastic cherry from a board game, a Fine Sharpie (so THAT's where it was!), a plastic Easter egg, and a Nintendo DS case.
Amber: Couch #1- upstairs living room... not much besides dog hair and dust. I had to put it in a pile to get it to come together like that.
Couch #2 - downstairs daycare area... popcorn, plastic egg, sock, string, Sesame Street band aide, piece of notebook paper, chip crumbs. This one totally grossed me out.
Couch #3- smiley sticker, duplo road sign, brand new power cord. This couch is only one foot away from the above couch... why is it so clean?!?!
Jessica: Lollipop wrapper, DMC floss. Light up tweezers, bead, fork, Bakugan, pen, crayon, Dora and Diego Lego toys, Dora figure. Hello Kitty Christmas magnet pieces, two clothespins, 21 cents, and a craft stick snowflake my 4yr old made.
Kristi & Meredith: shrinky dink necklace (surprise, surprise!), rice cake crumb, orange peel, a sticker
Amanda L: DISCLAIMER: I am a mother of four (soon to be five) and we have a very, very cushy couch!
We have here: a mini version of the book Pierre by Maurice Sendak, ear drops, a deconstructed sweater shaver, one girls' sock, a baby doll bottle, the wooden knob from a discarded bathroom cabinet, a blue disk from an Arby's kids' meal, a pink My Little Pony food bucket, a mini My Little Pony figurine, a pencil, a baby's toothbrush (which, I assure you, was replaced - ewww), the windshield of a Buzz Lightyear spaceship, a blue toy spoon, a blue My Little Pony comb, several My Little Pony Memory Game cards (I made a match!!!), several crayons (many of which are, surprisingly, NOT broken), six hair doodads (including the teeniest barrettes known to humankind), a bracelet made by my two year old for Independence Day last year, some little plastic Polly Pocket pants, a foamy heart sticker, a foamy coconut sticker (doesn't everyone have one of those in their couch?), a plastic princess ring, a GinGins candy (combats morning sickness!), some kind of bizarre red plastic springy thing, five K'Nex, a pink toy car, two black plastic thingies that once held a toy into a box, but were stolen by my one year old and were shoved under the cushions just this morning, and (finally) four plastic velcro-backed foods meant for decorating a toy cake.
Heidi: Two socks (one white and one Handy Manny), an acorn cookie cutter, a Hot Wheels car, two colored pencils, a pair of baby nail clippers, a broken Slinky, a clump of dried strawberries/bananas (eew - I'm amazed ants didn't find it first!), a Snack Trap lid, a piece of blue cardboard from something-or-another, a string cheese wrapper, a footed cupcake holder, a pretzel, a puzzle piece, a Little People rooster (that I've been looking for forever!), a ton of hole punched "confetti," and one, single, lonely, measley penny!
Aunt LoLo: bobby pin, some hair, a bit of glitter, loads o' crumbs, and a few foil stars.
Pamela:crumbs and popcorn kernels, kindergarten homework (oops!), at least three Christmas ornaments, a number of pretzels and squiggly things from Chex mix, puzzle pieces,
crayons, marker and pen caps, saucers to my daughter's tea set, tiny gift box top also from Christmas, six pencils, hair clips, 61 cents, plastic pickle, plastic potato chip, plastic bacon, megablocks, wooden blocks, mancala stones, at least four rocks, a gift bag, envelopes, a knit dishrag, a pencil sharpener, my cell phone
Oh lord, I don't think you wanna see whats under my couch cushions! Great idea for a contest though... and those cupcake pillows ARE super cute! Maybe I will play.
ReplyDeleteOMGosh! That is too funny! I am so going to do this tonight! I just hope I'm not too ashamed of how much I pull out! At least now I know that I'm not the only one who rarely cleans out their couch!
ReplyDeleteHahaha! Love it. :) I have found my fair share of oddities in the couch, never any loose change though- go figure.
ReplyDeleteOh man, do I want that pillow! I ran to my couch and flung back the cushions but there wasn't a darn thing there! -Not even a lego. :( I will have to try again later.
ReplyDeletethis looks like fun, but we just cleaned and rearranged our lounge a week or two ago so no couch cooties. Maybe under the bed?
ReplyDeleteokay, compared to everyone's photos, it looks like i never clean my couch. which is kinda true. but can i just state in my defense, we have an extremely large sectional sofa and maybe that's why so much junk is lost in there :)
ReplyDeleteholly--haha! I laugh at your photo: you've got a BOWL in there! A bowl?! How can you not feel that you're sitting on a BOWL?! HAHA!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giggles!
Aaaah! You should have done this before the weekend - Mr Jelly changed all the covers to our spring colours so now there's nothing under my cushions - not even a crumb.
ReplyDeleteI think there was quite a bit of felt, some cheerios, plenty of dog hair and crumbs under there.
(And yes, I did say Mr Jelly changed the covers - they're way to heavy for me to fight with!)
Love this! LOL! I posted my pic on my blog today. It's not very exciting, to say the least! LOL! Thanks for the fun!
ReplyDeleteya know...i don't think my couch cushions come up...i'll have to go check! i'll ba back!
ReplyDeleteWish I had a Couch!!
ReplyDeleteHaha! Nikki, you crack me up.
ReplyDeleteThat was fun looking at the photos of the couch cooties. Would you believe that my couch cushions don't come off?! There might be some awful things under the couch though. :)
like i said, my couch is very large and we all have are certain spots we lounge on. i'm totally not surprised a bowl got lost in there. i found it hiding way on the other end where no one sits. there was so much stuff, i'm shocked the couch didn't eat my 2 year old!
ReplyDeleteMy couch cushion don't come out. A smart choice I made when we bought our new one. Our former couch was a black hole. Litteraly it had a black hole and there was any number of things that would disappear into it. My 2 yr old actually disappeared in there for a while once. Really.
ReplyDeleteOk, it wasn't from my couch cushions, but I did recently post a description of what was in my diaper bag:
ReplyDeleteSadly, I didn't take a picture, as I hadn't read your blog yet. Great idea!!
Oh crisis, I started my spring cleaning bit early and had the couch cushions up last week. Think I'm more ashamed to admit to my compulsive cleaning disorder, but really want a shot at winning one of your luscious cupcake cushions. My picture will probably only show a few crumbs .... maybe a toy car or train (if I can persuade my 3 year old to 'drop' one down there tomorrow - hee hee).