Saturday, January 16, 2010

Furniture Silhouettes

Before Tia arrived I had big plans & dreams to have the downstairs basement decorated & furnished. Well, that didn't happen. And I was SUPER bummed. Especially because I knew she'd have to sleep on an air mattress on the floor. But, I took a look around at all the moving boxes still needing unpacked & was immediately motivated to create something from them. So, away I went to finish the unpacking!

I love how this ugly mess.....

...became this lovely cozy bedroom nook.

I cut out cardboard shapes from the boxes, outlined the shapes with black paint & filled in the details.
I even printed out a photo of her hubby & 3 boys back at home & stuck it in a cardboard frame. Everything is adhered to the wall with duct tape. I wrapped a smaller box in brown paper before painting it & created a nightstand she could actually use to set stuff on.

Viva la recyclying!
For more photos of these furniture silhouettes, click HERE.


  1. That's inspiring!! You are so creative and thrifty. I would have just pulled non matching junk out and it would have looked awful. Good for you! I hope you are having a great time with your friend.

  2. wow. I LOVE this! It is super cute!

  3. Great idea, I think it's actually quite cute! :)

  4. Such a GREAT idea!! I'm sure Tia felt so special that you had done that for her! It's cute enough to keep around and use again! Adorable!

  5. Nikki--you are just amazing beyond words! Hope do you find the time and ENERGY to do all these great tasks?
    LOVE the recycle idea, too!

  6. Oh My Goodness what a NEAT Idea!!!

    Thats inpired, theres no way I would have ever thought of it, well done.

  7. One word: AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Adorable and brilliant! What a thoughtful hostess you are. :)

  9. YOu have the most amazing brain! I love your ideas & creativity!!

  10. I suppose living hundreds of miles from the nearest IKEA, encourages amazing feats of creativity like this. Bravo.

  11. Ok! I think that is fantastic! And cute enough to be a permanent fixture if it would hold up! How fun!

  12. That is such a fun idea! Simple, low cost and just plain fun!

  13. hahaha genius! I think you should keep it, looks great!

  14. your best friend is by far THE luckiest gal ever! ;)

  15. This is so pretty, creative and cute! Whauw!

  16. that might quite possibly be the cutest thing i have EVER seen :D

  17. AWESOME. Really...who would've thought to do that and then actually take the time to make it a reality? Only you, my dear.

  18. I wouldn't expect anything less from you! Soooo creative! I am sure Tia LOVED it!

  19. A-MAZING. I love your ideas!

  20. Glad to see you are getting back into your crafty groove. I love this idea. It would be great for a kid's room.

  21. Love it and such a great idea! You are gifted!

  22. That's such a fun idea- an the girls can play in the space afterwards too! Plus so much of your unpacking is done now. :)

  23. Nikki that room is amazing!!! You are so creative. I'm in awe. Humm, that may be the next big thing in home decor. You had better get your name all over that now while you can. ;-)

  24. Oh my gosh this is brilliant! I LOVE it! So cute!

  25. That really is a cool idea. it would be great for a kids room too.

  26. That is such a fantastically cute idea! Who needs furniture?! Yours is awesome, stylish, and cheap! I absolutely LOVE it! :)

  27. I absolutely LOVE this. This is just the sort of idea that would come into my head in this situation! And it looks so super cool!

  28. This is simply incredible Nikki! It's SO cute and I'm sure Tia felt great staying there. You are a great friend to create such a cute space for her. :-D

  29. Super! The cold weather as unfrozen your imagination even more. Hot stuff!

  30. I came over via Craftzine. What a clever, cute idea!!!! Well done!!

  31. I saw this on Craftzine as well =) I love how it turned out! I'm thinking I'll do the same thing for myself, the next time I move =D Viva recycling indeed!

  32. As I said on craftzine, I LOVE that night table!
    That's a great idea, funny, simple and green. You are very talented!!

  33. Ok so I always liked I LOVE you.

  34. this is sooo freaking brilliant! eegads but yer amazing!

  35. WHIMSY-cal...very cute!! LOVE this project!! Nice Job!! :0)

  36. OMGosh! I love it, I think you should keep it that way!!

  37. Caught this on Apartment Therapy. My verdict: You are BRILLIANT!

    Furniture-schmurniture. This sort of reminds me of that great and glorious gift of the empty refrigerator box when you were 7 years old, that could become anything!


  38. Must be lovely to sleep in a room like that.
    Love it! Adore your ideal, ^-^

  39. Bah! This hilarious and so cute! Girl, you crack me up with your creativity. I want to sleep over!

  40. This is the most GENIOUS idea ever!!!! We have friends coming for the weekend and will be staying on the floor... but... we JUST threw a ton of cardboard boxes away! DANGIT!! It is too late to run out and get them since it's raining. haha...

    Thanks for the great idea for next time!!!

  41. You are totally on my rockstar list for that idea! How creative...looooove!

    Jamie :)

  42. totally awesome (I am so 80s).
    love love love it!!

  43. I love your idea! I also loved your curtain. I noticed that you had those block/brick walls (just like my house) and I was wondering how you hung that beautiful girly curtain on it?

  44. LOL, what a brilliant idea! I love it!

  45. OH.MY.GAWD.... that is so something I would do! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!! You crack me up.

  46. a genius idea! hooray for you!

  47. That's brilliant in too many ways to count. I think my family may have to suffer through a few rounds of this just so I can have some fun!!! luv it.

  48. This is the coolest. Really. You are my hero. ; )

  49. that is the coolest thing i have ever seen-you are so cute and funny!
    check out my "green give away" onmy blog-you deserve a prize for that furniture post!
    (I must put you into my fav's right now!)

  50. Uh Wow!! You're so creative, that's great. Love it.

  51. Totally original! Love it! It's almost like when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade!

  52. LIKE THIS!!!!! Really really cute...

  53. You are a crafty genius! I'm going to link this project up on my Sunday blog linking party so I can share it with my readers next week when I feature today's projects! Hope that's okay and would love for you to stop by!All the best!

  54. This guest corner is so cute! It must be like becoming a cartoon for the night!

  55. Totally original! Love it! It's almost like when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade!

  56. This post is a great inspiration! They are so adorable! This is so original!

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  60. Wow, nice Post written by you guys. It is amazing and wonderful to visit your site. Thanks a ton for such a nice post.

  61. The furniture silhouettes given here are wonderful. Have a look at them

  62. I am expecting a happy dance! I love creative and inspiring people!


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