Thursday, March 25, 2010

MoCo Tour (#2: The Broadwater Series)

Saturday Susan & I traveled 15 miles away to the village (yes, you heard me right) of Broadwater. Population (as of the 2000 census): 140. It was SO much fun!! And, I got to use one of Susan's Big Girl cameras. I felt so awesome. I bet I looked awesome too. (haha!) I'm getting practice in for when I get my OWN camera for my birthday this year!! (Which is in 2 weeks. Holla!) I can't wait to return to Broadwater & do some more photo hunting. Honestly, I think we woulda stayed longer that afternoon, but the locals seemed a bit unsure of who we were & what we were doing there. It was obvious we had our cameras & were taking pictures--of EVERYTHING!! But still, we had a lot of people driving by really slowly, people whispering & talking, looking our direction, even coming out of there houses to strain their necks & see what was going on. It made me feel really odd. It didn't seem like curiosity. It was like "suspicion". It was an unwelcome feeling. It's not like I was vandalizing their village. I left my spray paint & bat in the car. I joke, I joke.
{And I should state that I only speak for myself here.}
It made me wonder if there is an etiquette. We said hello, we didn't cross private property or do anything rude or disrespectful. I better figure out the "how-to's" of small-town photography, because I plan on doing a lot of it. And I want to be welcomed back into these amazing little places I keep discovering every week.

Anyway, our adventures were fantastic! We had lovely blue skies all was a happy afternoon.  

To view The MoCo Tour: Broadwater complete set of photos on flickr, click HERE.


  1. What a great photo tour. Love, just love that hotel!

  2. When I moved from Daytona Beach to rural PA 14 years ago fresh out of photo school the run down buildings and signs that I am NOW accustom to I was CRAZY out with my camera (I admit I still am) But I would even get people coming out on their porch. I don't think they are unwelcoming I think they have been surrounded by their surroundings for SO long it is more of a WHAT THE HECK is that GIRL taking a picture of LOL I bet next time if you go back and tell them you think the old brick building is Amazing they will shake their heads hee hee, but they wont be mad! love the pics you posted

  3. I'll explain small town behavior for you because I live in a small town. :o) Life in a small town is pretty mundane. We see cows, chickens, barns and the same old sites all the time. What we don't see is new people...doing interesting things. It is so unusual to see this sometimes people may even get out lawn chairs to watch. :o) Don't let it bother you. We're not trying to be rude, it is just that the last time we saw someone interested in that fire hydrant was when McBrown's barn burned. So, if you are going to be a new person in a very small place, be prepared to be the main entertainment. And live up your star status! Be sure to go to a coffee shop or gas station and offer to show your pictures so everyone will know what you are doing. That way next time you'll be a little more expected.

  4. I agree with Corrie...maybe you could visit Town Hall or the Mayor's office to let everyone know what you're doing. I'm sure you'd have a lot of new friends once everyone found out what was going on. Love the pics! I'm thinking I need to break out my camera and visit some of our small towns.

  5. Well I'm from Broadwater and have the Starr Street Diner! I gotta say I'm thrilled we were part of your feature!! I'm really sorry at the poor hospitality shown to you. Please know you are welcome in my part of the neighborhood anytime! :)
    Love your blog, ideas, creativity, and whismyness!! You inspire me, and I have started taking my own whimsical photos!! No jumpers yet!
    Now I wanna blog too!
    Keep that camera pointed!


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