Sunday, September 23, 2007


I realize I am writing this on the first Fall evening. Oh, that sounds so lovely....Fall's first eve. How romantic.....

The girls & I made pumpkin bread today, following a recipe that my blog buddy Lisa, over at Polka Dot Creations left me. Thanks Lisa!! My house smells so yummy now. I wounded myself in the oven while baking, but it's all for a good cause. The girls & I made many "mini" loaves to pass out to family & neighbors.

Oh, & I've left a really dorky video greeting to everyone.....Take a looksie!

Here's some pics from our baking this afternoon....

And, while waiting for the yummies to bake, I made myself a cup of my new favorite tea, so I thought I'd share with you. It's "Bengal Spice" from Celestial Seasonings. It's a delicious flavor, perfect for fall with ingredients like cinnaomn, roasted chicory, vanilla, ginger, cardamom, cloves & nutmeg!!!

Obviously there was no "YOWZA! It's the Sunday Featured Artist..." segment today. What's new, huh? I'll get with it eventually...

OK, I'm off to take a "crunchy leaf walk" with my girls & pass out some loves. I mean, loaves.


  1. Oh, look at those great pictures! I wish my kids had wanted to bake with me today - they watched a movie, so I made bread without the little stinkers. Glad you enjoyed the recipe - Happy Fall!

  2. loverly pictures! I bet it was yummy, did you save me some?
    Little miss looks soo cute on the table with the bowel!!

  3. The girls & I had some pumpkin bread tonight as a snack. It is so yummy! Yes, polka dot--I enjoyed the recipe VERY much! We drove to grandma's house & dropped off a couple loaves for her & my parents. More deliveries tomorrow & for preschool teachers! It was such a wonderful Fall Day!!! I believe it was the best yet!

  4. oh bless Nikki the girlz look sooo sweet, they are all cooked up.
    Pumpkin bread looks like it smells yummy.

  5. P.S. I love the video you have a gorgeous smooth american voice

  6. Love the pictures. It was great to see the video of you-I've never heard your voice-although it seems like I have. Isn't the blog world funny? You feel like you know people just from reading their entries.

  7. Haa haa!! I love the video, it's almost as rad as my post card, ALMOST!! Mik tells me he is going to totally buy one and do a WBFF song! ;o)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.