Monday, October 8, 2007

Fun Freebies for November!

So, here are my cute little memo books. These were experiements that turned out quite well & so now I need to go get stacks more memo books. I always include a freebie in every order at WhiMSy love & I thought I'd mix it up a bit & offer these 3" x 5" memo pads for all orders in November. They were so fun to make too!

And I'm so excited about tomorrow----I'm making apple crisp! That has to be one of my favorite desserts--right below Jell-o brand cheesecake mix in a box. I love to eat apple crisp when it's just warm from the oven. Yummmm....Tomorrow is my once a month mommy's group & I've gathered all the supplies for 30 women to make apple crisp!! It was so fun buying all that flour & brown sugar & butter & yummy spices & stuff. I looked like I was gonna get my serious bake on, with my cart full of baking goodness!! We're mixing the apple filling part in gallon ziplock bags & the topping in quart ziplock bags. The ladies can then take it home & toss it in a pan to bake immediatley or freeze it for when they're ready to bake later. Cool idea huh? I'm opting for the immediate baking choice when I get home.

I'm re-doing those fall cards I showed you a few days ago. I thought of a better idea & it's not too late to re-design them. Just minor surgery.

The fabric for my first ever apron project is in the wash as I write. I'm thinking to head to JoAnn's for some coordinating fabric for the ties, waistband & pocket. Then, there's also the many embellishment to drool over. I'll be sure to post my work-in-progress. Oh! And Amy Karol (the author of "Bend-the-rules Sewing) is having a book signing in Portland sometime soon. Wish I could go! Portland is oh-so close...& yet so far.

Ok, this post is so random & kinda lame-o. So, I'll jazz it up a bit. I'll show you a pic of me & my man. We haven't had a picture together for years. Isn't that sad? I'm surprising him on Thursday with a date & one of the things we're doing is going to a photo booth for some awesome make-out shots. HAHA! No, we'll keep it PG..................13.


  1. Very cute! Great idea for a customer appreciation gift. :)

  2. I am in love with the cupcake books, so cute. How awesome do you and your hubby look, what a lovely idea a date night, my hubby and I never did dates, we were living together within 3 weeks of meeting. I think I shall tell him he has to do a date night.
    Oh that desert sounds too yummy and great idea for the ziplocks, wouldn't mind a sneaky at that receipe.

  3. Cute little cupcake books, and an even cuter hubby!! :) Now I *really* wanna be you! LOL

  4. Great giveaways! They would be make excellent stocking stuffers. Tell Mr. WhiMSy love, nice to meet him!


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