Friday, February 29, 2008

Zippity Doo-Da!

OK, so I accomplished my goal for February. The zipper pouch is done! It has sloppy zipper corners & my cute embellishments on the front are extremely lopsided. It was a very frustrating project for me---a newbie to the zipper world---but not as scary as I had imagined. After this trial run everything makes a little bit more sense. I just need more practice, that's all!
I changed my original choice of fabric, as you can see. I made a stop to my favorite local antique shop yesterday & purchased a handful of vintage fabrics. That first bundle of fabric on the left is SOOOOO gorgeous! I can't wait to make something from it!
Forget about finding tutorials on "how to sew a zipper". I needed a tutorial on "how to install a zipper foot"!! Seriously, I couldn't figure it out for the longest time.
I managed to have a couple tutorials for zipper pouch instruction RIGHT by my side as I was working. I used iSew's zippy tutorial--she creates tabs on either side of the zipper so as not to have wonky corners. Mine still ended up wonky though. I think I know what I did wrong & can correct the mistake on my next pouch. I also used twelve22's tutorial. Both have excellent pictures!

I tried using pins to hold the fabric together while I was sewing, but I found the pins to be getting in the way, so I ended up not using them. And I DID end up sewing the zipper inside the pouch so when I went to flip the pouch inside-out I was trapped.
And look at this random zipper stash I found! (A purchase made at a thrift store a few years ago that I haven't touched until now!)
After my zipper pouch adventures last night, I'm still not sure if I am using the zipper foot properly. It seems awkward to me. The first time I sewed the zipper on, I got it so close to the fabric that the zipper kept getting caught & wouldn't work. I think in my final result I may have sewn too far away from the zipper. Oh well. It zips & unzips & that's all I care about.
The pouch ended up being 5" x 6 3/4". Perfect to toss my camera in! I did cheat a little on the lining & just tucked the fabric inside itself & straight-stitched it closed.
Of course I had to add a vintage button to go along with my vintage fabrics. All in all I'm SUPER proud of myself! And I can't wait to make another one!

I've already come up with my goal for March too! I've never, never, ever made cupcakes from scratch. Is that sad coming from this crafty chick who's ga-ga over cupcakes? Well, it's true. I can't wait! This whole "making goals" things is quite fun!

Have a great weekend!


  1. I love your zipper pouch - it is too cute. Good work, zippers completely confound me. Of course, I can't even use my sewing machine either, so..well..Great Job!

  2. Love the bags! I've never tried to sew a zipper, but the fabrics are great.

    PS Consider yourself tagged.

  3. Well, it's an order of magnitude better than my first ever zipper pouch. It does take a little practice. Your stitching looks super straight though so well done - my first half dozen attempts ended up like a dog's hind leg.

  4. Your zipper is very straight! I often get a bit wonky with smaller purses!

    Well Done!

  5. okay you are just to darn talented for me. I wish I could sew. I have a sewing machine but it is stuck in a corner and I so want to use it. I guess that means I need to set it up.

  6. WOOHOO - you go girlfriend, I can defo call you zippy now.
    Can't wait to see the cupcakes

  7. you did great girl! zips aren't easy i can tell you. sewing is a dying art, so just be glad you are carrying the torch! can't wait to see your future efforts - AND those cupcakes!!!

  8. Congrats on reaching your goal! It looks great!


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