Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Quickie.

This is a super quick post. But I suddenly had a clever little display idea for my holiday bazaar coming up this Friday & Saturday. I thought it'd be fun to have a bunch of black-n-white pics of kid's on Santa's lap just scattered around my table. I've got the most adorable one of my mom & sister when they were about 5 years old & then there's one of me, crying like a baby---at the age of 10. So, what have you got for me??? I'd love to print out your pics, with your permission, & display them on my table just for fun & chuckles. (I'll make 'em black-n-white if they're colored.) So, leave me a link to a picture on your flick account or email me a picture of you on Santa's lap or with Santa. (**email addy in sidebar on right.) I'm hoping it works out how I have pictured in my head. And, unfortunately I won't be able to use everyone's photos. I'll pic my favorites & reveal the chosen few before my show sometime next week.

OH! OH! (Hey, that's "HO HO" backwards. Hm.) I've got THE CUTEST advent calender idea but I'm scrambling to get all the bits made & put together & photographed & all that stuff for a tutorial. I know the usual advent stuff starts tomorrow, so I'm hoping to get it up late tomorrow. You're gonna love it. I promise!!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend!

Gotta go. I'm in a hurry for a giftie exchange thingie, with a "Kitchen" theme. Guess what I included?? A fork easel. Clever, I know.
**And don't forget the Cyber Monday Sale is going on today! BUY ONE GET ONE 50% off the WhOlE shop!!!


  1. yum, are those brownies from Starbucks??

  2. What a fun idea! I never got to sit on Santa's lap (how sad is that?) so I don't have a picture to share. But one year when our kids were little we had our neighbor who was a professional Santa come over on Christmas Eve and give our kids presents. They were so surprised! It was awesome :) I'll have to look around and see if I can dig up a picture for you!

  3. J--yes! They're from Starbucks. And they were delish! They were crunchy on the top with all those little sprinkles. So yummy! My hubby brought 4 home after a date with my 6-year old--one for each of us.

  4. I don't have any of those pictures, but what a cute idea!!

  5. you are the busiest craftiest chick i know nik! happy thanksgiving


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