Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What's Buzzin' Cuzzin'?

I have had THE BEST time reading everyone's comments left about their favorite ornament in the Owlie Ornament Giveaway!!! (*You have until the eve of Fri. the 14th to enter!*) I seriously have had everything from giggles to goosebumps reading your comments. And let me just say, I am officially in the holiday mood!! Thank you--SO MUCH--for sharing your ornaments &--best of all-- the stories & memories that go along with them. (Everyone should read the list of comments.) I wish I had owlie ornaments for all of you. But I don't, so get over it. HAHA!

Yesterday was chilly & wet & yucko outside. I put on my favorite cozy cupcake socks, a present from my New Zealand blog buddy Sue at 'My Home Wellingtontown'. I know what you're thinking--the brown plaid shoes, the polka-dotty brown socks... OVERKILL. You're right, but I'm allowed days like this every once in a while.

In fact, it was SO cold today I couldn't shake the chill off indoors. So, the girls & I cranked on our fake fireplace & warmed our toesies. Fake fireplaces ROCK.

I've got most of the pieces cut out for my next--& LAST--batch of owlie ornaments. Well, the last batch with THIS vintage material anyway. Every square inch of it has been used up & it'll make 16 green owlies & 17 brown owlies. There may also be a few new owlies--with different vintage material-- showing up as well. I'm working on getting them ready for a Monday 10am shop update! I'm so pleased that people like 'em!! (I know there may not be a mad rush on Monday morning for these owlies, but let this crafty girl dream anyway...)

This morning I volunteer at my 6 year olds Kindergarten class. I guess I signed up to do it every Wednesday. I volunteered once & that was it---until I re-read the paper that came home with my daughter one day that said I was supposed to show up EVERY Wednesday. Oopsie. hee hee. I felt like a supreme dork.

And after my time with the classroom of wee kidlets, I will get a very brief window of chill time with my girl Tia. YAY! I'm slowly, but surely, dragging her into my crafty world. Not really--she admits she's not crafty, but soon we'll be scheduling a crafty day to get some Christmas gifts created. I'm sure we'll giggle & guffaw more than we'll make stuff.

Ok, do any of you other crafty peoples feel weird selling stuff to your family? More specifically your own MOTHER? I mean, I'll make my sister pay, but my MOM? That's just wrong in some sort of way. Yeah, yesterday my mom was like, "Oh! Those owls are soooo cuuuute! I'll buy one from ya." I'm like, "No mom. You won't. I'd like to give you one." Then she's like, "Oh you hush now. I'm gonna pay you for it." And then I'm like, "Um, no." And it's just this sort of back & forth thing that goes on & on. And sometimes my grandma is the same way. She's more insistent then my mom though. My grandma keeps asking the price & not backing down. I'm thinking, "Fine. If she wants me to take her money, I'll take her money." She asks for, like, the bajillionth time, "Now, Nikki--how much is it?" So I say, "25cents grandma." HAHAHA!

And in case you're wondering what my silly & random Title is all about, Tia & I were having loads of fun checking out slang from the 50's. We're dorks. My favorite? "Razz my berries" & "Back seat bingo".

I'll check you cats later. It's time for me to cut out. You dig?


  1. saludos......

  2. so gald u like the sox - and the look great!!!

  3. I know what you mean about selling to relatives. My mom in law and Gramma in law both buy my stuff all the time- but I insist on discounts or I will say, "Please let me give it to you for a B-day gift".

  4. Okay...coming out of stalker mode to say "hElLo!". Fellow MOPS momma here and I so meant to find you at the convention last month. I LOVE your blog and since I'm the Creative Activities lady for our group this year, your blog has been an awesome resource!

    Anyways, I met this lady while on the ribbon isle at Joann's fabric today. I know we don't even know eachother but I totally thought of you when I saw this: (Cupcake hair clippie!) So cute! Go to her "character bows"...and there you will find it! I thought it was adorable and I just had to share it with my friend (who didn't even know I existed until now) :) Okay, done stalking! Nice to meet you~ Tricia

  5. I used to use that fifties web thing when I taught US history, the kids had to write me a story using only slang from the fifties, no slang from today. It provided hours of fun reading them and the kids had a blast doing it.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.