Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Can't Think of a Clever Title.

I didn't know that bagels had "crusts". Well, apparently, accordingly to my 4 year old, they do.

While cleaning up my art studio last night, I found this little treasure. (OK, I lied. I wasn't exactly cleaning, I just shoved a few things aside.) Anyway, I got it at a thrift store last year & I just adore it. It's a tiny picture--only about 3 inches tall. I need to attach a little hanger on the back so I can display it in my art studio. Isn't it sweet? I love the little crafty mouse. Oh--& the firefly lantern!

And while taking my Day 13 self portrait for the 365 Days project, I realized what great lighting comes from my fridge. Who knew, that after all these days of rushing to get my photographs snapped before daylight turned to dark that I had my very own light-box already installed in the casa!?

Oh! And don't forget to enter the drawing to win the Valentine Owlie. Drawing will be held Friday at 5pm EST.
Looks like my sis & I will be heading out in the wee hours tomorrow to travel over the mountains to see my dad again. He's having a rough go of it. We're ready for some good news any day now.


  1. Fun random stuff- that picture sort of reminds me of the Borrowers- a childhood love.

    Good luck with tomorrows travels... stay safe and I hope your father gets some good news soon. :)

  2. I'll be praying for you and your dad. So sorry to hear he's having a hard time.

  3. My 2 year old left "bagel crusts" this morning too...

  4. I have been blog stalking you for awhile now and love your site and your craftiness!

    I have a regular blog (with about 80 visitors a day), but have just started a new little blog called "butterflies" at I introduced you today and your sweet owlies on that blog. I am going to formally introduce the blog tomorrow with a little giveaway on Monday. Just wanted to let you know I heart you (in the crafty sort of way!!!).

    Hope your visit with you dad goes well.

  5. My kid call the crusts Bones!!..

  6. Hello, there!
    Three things:
    - Bagel crusts made me chuckle.

    - Sorry to hear that your dad's having a rough time.

    - How does that work with the fridge? I needs more daylight time, too.(artificial will do!)


    Sylvia C.

  7. My 9-year old daughter informed me that bagels have crusts...she does the same darned thing!

    Sorry your dad is having such a hard time, but glad the weather is cooperating for you to make the trip!

  8. Kids are so funny about crusts. My boys won't eat any crust, but my daughter eats the crust first. Crazy!

    Love your blog!

  9. Crusts! Ok that's just funny! My son has a knack for finding crusts on crustless stuff too.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.