Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Birthmom Buds

I was recently contacted by Birthmom Buds, an organization that provides support to birth mothers & pregnant women considering adoption. Every year around Mother's Day (one of the hardest times of the year for a birth mother) they hold a special event for birth mothers to come together & support each other.

As an adopted child, having met my birth mother & knowing the hard time she STILL has about "giving me away" this is something close to my heart.

They're looking for prize donations & items for goodie bags (25 of each item) for this event. I'll be sending some WhiMSy love goodies & I wanted to extend an invitation to any of my blog readers that may be interested in donating handmade (or other items) as well. The event is May 2nd. Click HERE to read about the event & see pictures of past gatherings.

If you choose to donate, a link to your blog/store will be posted on their website & their event program. Please email me at whimsy-girl [at] hotmail DOT com if interested & I will give you the contact info. Thanks!!


  1. As an Adoptive mom this is great! :) I don't know what I'd do w/o my AJ... I will be happy to donate something prob a handmade bracelet. Thanks Nikki for shedding some light on this!! :)

  2. I love your illustrations!!!!!

  3. I'd love to contribute to this. What type of items do you think would be good? What do you suggest?

  4. I think whatever you can give would be muchly appreciated! If you're still unsure, I always just think of, or make, something that I'd love to have myself & then give that.

  5. I was a labor coach for a birth mom that was placing her child with an adorable little family. I stayed with her (day and night) the three days in the hospital as she spent time with her baby and the new family (different set up....but perfect for them). Although it was the right thing for her to do....it was definitely the most difficult thing she will ever have to do and it was most painful to watch being a mother myself and probably the most emotionally torn I have ever been. But a most beautiful experience to be a part of.

    What a beautiful organization this is.

  6. i've got a sister in NC and she's EXTREMELY etsy talented just like you. =) i passed the info on to her. maybe she'll be able to get involved as well. thanks for mentioning the cause, i think this is AWESOME!

  7. p.s. am loving the linkwithin widget too! =) waaay fun little tool.

  8. Thanks so much for posting this Nikki!!


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