Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

I bet kids all around the world are eating green eggs & ham right about now.
This is green eggs & toast. I didn't have any ham.
Anyway, the girls were kinda grossed out. The 4-year ate hers. The 6-year old did not. But maybe she was preoccupied. She was heading to school, with her favorite Dr. Seuss book, ready to have a visit from the cat in the hat himself. What fun!
I think my favorite Dr Seuss book is Oh, the Places You'll Go! What's your favorite book?
Visit Seussville HERE for color pages, games, activities & more!
And visit The Crafty Crow HERE for MORE Dr. Seuss crafty fun!


  1. Would it be too forward to say, "I LOVE YOU!"?

    Your kids are the luckiest ever!

    If I were to have children, which is totally possible, but scares the heck out of me most of the time, I would SO CELEBRATE EVERYTHING POSSIBLE. Such fun!

    Oh, The Places You Will Go is my favorite too. ^__^

  2. We just love Dr. Seuss! You sure are a fun mom! :0) BTW, I love your music!

  3. Oh, I forgot to say which book was my favorite. I like One Fish, Two Fish.

  4. Green eggs, too cute! How did you know it was his birthday today? My kiddos love him too, but then, so do I! I've got turkey in the oven
    ~ I could do green mashed potatos...? Nah, not quite the same! Have a swell Monday!;)

  5. So *that's* why Google has the cat in a hat on it!
    (Promise you won't hate me, but we don't have any Dr Seuss books in our house - he's not that big over here ... sorry)

  6. You made gree eggs? that's awesome. Your such a neat mom...will you adopt me?

  7. The only reason I knew it was his birthday is because of the announcements sent home from my 6 year old's school, announcing the special event today.

    Had I not known, we might have had blue eggs instead.

  8. I know how the fun ideas aren't received well by the kids, I once tried to make pink pancakes for Valentine's Day and no one would eat them because they looked like tongues!
    I like the cat in the hat comes back, those poor kids are horrified!


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