Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

First of all I'm AMAZED at how many of you left comments on the last post in such a short amount of time! Let's keep that up, k? (HAHA!)
Oh! Oh! Oh! I also broke my goal of 500 sales---just in the crafty nick of time! Yippee! I'll be sending my customer, Anna, some extra goodies!
Ok, now for the real reason I'm here: to say "Congrats!" to....Terri, who is the winner of my "2 YEAR Etsy Anniversary" drawing! I'll be mailing you a sweet goodie bag filled with all sorts of WhiMSy love goodness. (Please email your addy to: whimsy-girl [at] hotmail DOT com.
Thanks everyone for helping me celebrate & for all the sweet comments!!


  1. Congrats on over 500 sales...let's hope you're soon up to 1000!

  2. No, you've got that wrong.
    I know it's April Fool's day, but surely I was the winner?!
    500 etsy sales - crikey!

  3. Congrats Terri on winning the goodie bag! And big congrats to you Nikki on your 500th sale!!! What a way to celebrate your two year anniversary. Can't wait to see what the next year holds for you and your shop. :-)

  4. how wonderful are you. Thank you very much. I could use some whimsy in my life.

    You projects have inspired me I am tryine hard to be more colorful. so thank you

  5. Wow 500 sales, that is awesome!

  6. That is great to hear! Your stuff is so cute! :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.