Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday Bits.

Yesterday my Cupcake Planter Tutorial was featured on Tipnut.com!! I'm totally psyched!

Also, my 4 year old & I rode scooters to pick up my 6 year old from school. I thought I was going to die many times. But I didn't even fall once. Almost though...lots. There was a bit of squealing too.

And I don't care if they are weeds. They're kinda perty. And a lovely yellow too.

I'm working on compiling a list of all the crafts I've done through my years as MOPS Creative Activities Coordinator. I've had several interested MOPS peeps asking about the crafty ideas I've done in the past, so I thought I'd make it available as a way of inspiration & help to any MOPS groups seeking ideas. It'll be up in the next couple days--with links or brief 'how-to' descriptions.

Oh!! And lookie what happy mail came yesterday!!! I received a birthday giftie from the sweet Nadine of nadine bozek photography. She saw her Happy Cloud print listed in my 'Birthday Wish List' picture mosaic through Flickr & decided to surprise me. I LOVE all the Happy Cloud goodness!! Thanks so much Nadine!!

OK, I'm off to clean the house. Mr. WhiMSy love & I have hired a babysitter this evening.
The house pretty much gets its best cleaning done when I know people are coming over.

I will blast the tunes on the stereo & pretend I'm somewhere else, doing something else besides cleaning.


  1. Yes... what a sad day it was for me, when those pretty yellow flowers were described to me as weeds!

    I can clean good and quick before guests, too! Good thing we have company... it keeps things clean!

    Have an awesome time out tonight!

    Sylvia C.

  2. glad you had a great day!

    i also posted about your cupcake tutorial on my blog. its such a cute idea! thank you!

  3. When I tried to show my little boy how to ride a scooter I pretty much made a fool of myself. He enjoyed it, though!

  4. I'm so excited that you're going to post your MOPS crafts! Thanks for doing that. You have such great ideas! I'm looking forward to seeing your list.

  5. Cupcakes. Clouds. Scooters.

    This is why you are loved. ^_^

  6. I saw your planters on ohdeedoh today! Congratulations!

  7. Hey darlin'....Oooh.....LOVE the cupcake pots! You are all about cupcakes, aren't you? So cute!

    I woulda felt the same way on the scooter--yikes!

    Cute clouds btw--you got blessed. Have an awesome day!

  8. A huge thank you in advance for the MOPS Creative Activities-- I will be the luckiest gal on steering when you get that list up!

  9. Love those cupcake pots, I think my son and I will do these for mother's day! Thanks for posting.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.