Friday, May 22, 2009

Summer Owlies Are Here!!

Visit the I SEW stuff section in my shop to make this owlie yours.
Here's a little WhiMSy love Owlie fun fact for ya...
This is the 6th series of owlies I've made! (Not to mention all the fabulous random custom ones I've created here & there!)
1st--Christmas Green Owlie 2008
2nd--Christmas Brown Owlie 2008
3rd--Winter Cream-colored Owlies 2008/2009
4th--Valentine Owlie 2009
5th--Floral Spring Owlie 2009
6th--Summer Owlie 2009


  1. Do you have instructions on how to make them, they are so adorable!

  2. Nikki! I love your owlies! I have 2 from our owl swap forever ago (the Valentine owlie and the floral spring owlie). I bought the Harvest one you made recently, and I am bumming HARD that I don't have the other 4: the 2 Christmas ones, the winter cream colored one, and the Summer one (the 6th one you made, which I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want) . If you happen to have them lying around somewhere, I would love to buy them. I'll be crossing my fingers and toes until then. :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.