Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hangin' On To Summer!

The girls & I had some friends over yesterday for a playdate. OK, they were the GIRLS' friends, but I like to play too!

Movies. Oatmeal & choco chip cookies. Games. Rollerskating. Bug catching. Sidewalk chalk. Swimsuits. Water balloon wars. And craftiness. All in ONE afternoon!
LOVE this photo. Zoey has no idea what's coming. HAHA!

We ended our day with some crafty fun. The girls & I taught our friends to make the Bug Catcher Necklaces.

After our guests left, I had some time to reflect on conversations had with some of the little people:

"Miss Nikki, can we make something crafty today?" ("Um, do I even have to answer that question? First person to the crafty supplies WINS!")

"You're fun Miss Nikki!" ("Aww, thanks, sweetie!")

"Your floors are much dirtier than ours."
(*uncomfortable silence*)


  1. what's that saying about clean floors?

    a clean house is a sign of wasted life!!!

  2. Who cares if the floors are dirty when you're having THAT much fun?!

  3. ok- the floor comment... hilarious! My daughter's friend that has been over twice has said the same thing to me twice. And both times I've responded with- "Oh honey, that's not dirt- it's floor sprinkes." Try that and see the look you get. PRICELESS

  4. Not sure I can agree with the dirty floor comment. I have not mopped a-l-l summer and our dog is the vacuum cleaner. ~Julie

  5. Ashlie.....frequent visitor!August 26, 2009 8:22 AM

    bwahaha! I love the floor, hello, I can more than identify! And I love even more the fact that this is the only topic of comment conversation! :D

  6. well i am gonna break the chain of floor comments! lol i just have to say that you are such a BLESSING! not only to us bloggers who get a small window to peer into your life, but to those around you too!! big HUGS and thank you so VERY much for sharing the warm SMILES!! :D Have a BEAUTIFUL day!!

  7. Thanks for my first out-loud-laugh this morning, and for reminding me to get off the computer and get busy with today's "must" list ~ amazingly, the very first item was MOP FLOORS! More importantly, thanks for being such an inspiring example of a "fun Mom" ~ I really needed that too. Hope you have a great Wednesday today!

  8. Perhaps this should have been the answer to "Miss Nikki, can we make something crafty today?"

    "Sure, right after you CLEAN THE FLOORS!"

    Love the peek into your life! - H

  9. Haha get those floors clean! When I have my own kids, I am so planning things like this to do. Must cost quite a bit though.

  10. Answer..."That's because while your mommy was cleaning the floors at your house we were making cookies, and playing in the pool, and making crafty awesomeness!"
    : )
    My floors aren't that clean either (they have glitter glue, play-doh, and a fully assembled train track fantasy land on them right now and I wouldn't have it any other way!)

    (aka Pink and Green mama)

  11. Thanks for the reminder to mop the floors - I was still busy trying to scrape the boogers off the girls walls - how nice to know we're not alone!

  12. lol- your floors are dirty because you are much more concerned about fun and craftiness. My floors are clean right now... because my house is empty during daytime now. ;(


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