Monday, September 21, 2009

Week in Review

I got to spend my first time at the Farmer's Market this season without little ones begging for snow cones & cotton candy. I could sample fruits, talk with lovely vendors & gaze at amazing sights like chocolate peppers, white eggplants & golden raspberries. I even snapped my first "stranger" portrait. The sweet old man I was trying to photograph was a little camera shy. It's not a great photo (great of him, but I need some work on composition) but it was practice at approaching strangers for photos, etc.

And speaking of photos, let me just boast one more time: I'm SO excited to be part of the new Photojojo! book!! YEEHAW!

I had a busy week of planning for Zoey's party. Amazingly I wasn't frantic the day of the party or even the night before, though I was up super duper late! I made a point of doing my housework 2 days before the party. And I decorated the night before. All that made for smooth party sailing. Zoey had a REALLY fun party--she even made a point to tell me so without me prompting her. It was great fun for me too---but much messier to clean up then our regular ole family parties. I was pooped! I took 2 naps this weekend just to recover!!

The girls & I had a WONDERFUL experience seeing the Ugandan Orphans Choir this weekend too. So inspiring.

I'm ready for a peaceful week. But wait. There is some more celebration happening tomorrow: The first day of Fall! And I get to spend it with my favorite friend! How perfectly divine.

Click HERE for a photo play-by-play.


  1. so glad the party went well - did everyone turn up - even without rsvp'ing?

  2. What a fun week! I see the birthday girl looking into her new oven... has she made anything yet? I'm so jealous!


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