Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Motto To Live By

A month ago I hosted a giveaway for Sylvia C. for one of her popular Speak Your Mind bangles. To say "thank-you", Sylvia sent me one of my very own! Wasn't that sweet?!?! I got to choose my own saying & I wanted something lighthearted & fun. I think I succeeded, dontcha think?
I love how lightweight, yet sturdy, the bangle is. I hardly notice it's on.
Thanks Sylvia!


  1. that's so stinking cool. :)

  2. That's hilarious! I would love one of those...When I was in college, my roommates and I would get together in the evenings and it was always a good one when someone left a little wet! haha

  3. Love it!!! Sounds like it fits you to a tee...

  4. Wow had to get caught up on your blog again. Finally did. LOL! Love that bangle and the saying. Words to live by for sure. :-)

  5. Um. I don't think I even need that bracelet for this to happen. :D It is super cute! Hope you are having a lovely autumn! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving

  6. Hahaha! I love it...and it's soooo happens a lot. ;)


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