Friday, February 12, 2010

The Bed-head Olympics

The girls & I have recently started a ceremony-of-sorts every morning. We find it amusing to see each other's wacky morning hair-do's, also known as bed-head. So, I created an award with a thrifted bowling trophy ($1!!) & a faux Barbie head (free!!). Yes, I'm the oddball mom who asks, "Honey, do you have a spare Barbie head I could have?" And my children are the sweet sort who respond, "Sure mom!!" Of course, the more ratty & tangled the Barbie hair, the better!

The trophy gets passed to a winner every morning after we vote & decide who has the craziest bed-head.

♥ Nikki

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. You, my dear, are truly THE best mom in the world! (P.S. Will you adopt me?)

  2. ok that is so much fun and awesome! What a fun way to start eah day!

  3. What a fun household you must have.

  4. I'm so wishing I had my kids at home still....this is way to good to pass on!

  5. you seem like really funny mom!! i like the idea very much :)

  6. Love it.... we don't have the reward but we do have the laughter... that as well as the "bad breathe" syndrome!! lol

  7. too cute. I have a barbie who is missing a limb. I was wondering what to do with her(cut her head off!ha ha)

  8. I'd love to be adopted too! haha!
    So fun! I can't do it with hubby and baby boy... they wear their hair REALLY short... and daughter always wakes up with messy hair... she'd win EVERY TIME!

  9. ok, i just gotta say, YOU ARE THE BESTEST MOM EVA!!!!!

  10. Oh, I'm going on a trophy hunt, because this is way too fun! At at our house, we say, "Your hair had a party last night!"

  11. I LOVE this!!! LOL! You are too cool Nikki. LOL! Your kids are going to have the wildest and funniest childhood memories. :-) Lucky girls. ;-)


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