Friday, May 21, 2010

Summer Break: Day 1

No, it's not technically "summer", but since school was out yesterday, technicalities can be compromised.

I was hoping to kick off Day #1 with much happiness & hooplah. But that's not how it went. First of all, I didn't get to sleep in. The girls walked quietly into my room this morning & started talking with whispered voices in my face with their donut breath. (Thanks daddy for the healthy breakfast.) Then, my 7 year old spilled hot pink nail polish on the cream colored carpet.
And the girls have already started with the teasing/bickering/picking/fighting thing too. I can't take a summer of that. I can't.
Our trip to the grocery store was just awful. My kids were in super disobedient mode. And the funny thing is, they WANT to go with me. It's not like they're miserable & I'm dragging them around to boring places like this. I feel like a weenie mom: I can't take the 2 of them anywhere together. It's just too stressful.
The only highlight of the day was when we stopped by the coffee shop for Italian Cream Sodas. My fave. I got watermelon. Pazely got grape. And Zoey got lime.
The un-highlight was when the girls started singing "The 12 Day of Christmas" in the backseat of the car.
I asked them to stop. So they just changed the words & kept singing the same awful tune.
If I could have turned around, brought them back home & continued on with the day solo, I would have. But "home" was 40 miles away.

We did enjoy a simple dinner this evening though, which makes me happy. I put together a D.I.Y. sandwich bar. All the makings for a custom sandwich of your choosing.
My favorite sandwich spread: cream cheese sprinkled with walnuts. Mmmm.
Day 2: Be good to me, please.


  1. Hey girl,
    if you set up consequences that you can stick to, it will make them listen to you more. It will be a great summer, this is just transition time- dont worry. My fingers are crossed for tomorrow ! I hope its better.

    (eg: if they were being bad on the way to the store, they wouldnt get a treat...thats huge, and usually gets a reaction. Try it, I guarantee it will work! Ive been dubbed the super nanny for 10 years. I dont have any of my own, but this is one of my biggest tools! )
    The italian sodas looked so yummy! I love how they matched their drinks with their shirts :)
    Jessica in Vancouver

  2. OMGosh...I hear ya girl. There are 5 1/2 years between my kids and they don't see eye to eye on anything. However, my daughter just finished her very last day of high school on Friday. She starts college in the fall, but will be staying at home. I remember people telling me "they will grow up too fast, enjoy them"...they were soooo right! As a side note...when my kids were driving me bonkers in public I would start to cluck & strut like a chicken...they would snap back into shape and behave right away. Amazing what a little parental embarrasement will do :) Love your blog and love the dinner...

  3. Nikki ~ I feel your pain. I have boys, 16 & 13 and know very well the teasing turns into fighting routine.

  4. My girls fight all the time, too! Ugh. It's pay back from when my sisters and I fought way back when.
    I'm sure you'll have both good and off days. I hope you have more good ones.
    Sandwiches and italian sodas sound delightful. :)

  5. Awww sorry you had a bad 1st day into summer break. This is how my daughters summer breaks usually go: First week is fun, happy and relaxing.....then for the rest of the ENTIRE break my daughter is bored and grumpy. Always asking me to take her places, telling me she is soooo bored about every 5 minutes...and this is despite all the fun things I plan out. (sigh)

    Your dinner looks yummy, and I love Italian sodas. My fave flavor is coconut. Yum!

  6. i appreciate your honesty, i find it refreshing. i have no children so i cannot sympathize with you. however, i tell the pastor when i occasionally help out in the nursery that's the longest hour of my life!

    i hope day 2 was good to you and those cute babies!

  7. *Pats back.* It's only for a few months. You can make it. Surely there is a summer program in town for the restless kid. Maybe it's just the excitement of no school. Hopefully today was just them letting it out and tomorrow will be a much better day. :-)

  8. it's a bummer when days don't work out, esp when you've been looking forward to them! i guess the excitement was just to much for them too! i'm sure day 2 was way better nik!~

  9. I know I'm a year late to this party, but your 2011 summer diary posts made me curious about 2010. My kids have 3 more weeks of school here in Texas, so I still have a little time to plan. I have 5 kids--3 girls, 2 boys--ranging in age from 10 years down to 11 months. I hear you loud and clear about the bickering and not being able to take a summer of THAT! I wanted to let you know though how much I truly appreciate your honesty in this blog post. Often, I read other mommies FB posts about loving to hear their sweet angels sing in the backseat, or how much they enjoyed the trip to get ice cream, or how well behaved their kids were at the store. Your posts reassured me that I'm not the only one who gets annoyed with the singing. I'm not the only one whose kids drive them NUTS at the grocery store. And my kids aren't the only ones who bicker--constantly it seems. THANK YOU for being honest! You ministered to me today. Can't wait to read more.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.