Sunday, June 13, 2010

Summer Break: Day 23

So, we sorta crashed a Quinceañera last night.....And it was fun!!

By "crash" I mean we weren't invited at all by the birthday girl or her family. But we were invited by someone who was invited. I know, I know: so rude & so tacky, right? 
We did introduce ourselves to the mother of the birthday girl & she was more than happy to welcome us. In fact, her exact words were: "Ándale!Ándale!"
And we brought a gift. So, that's an automatic ticket into any party in my book.

We all danced & ate & laughed with friends.

 Man! Zoey had the fever! Dance fever that is. That girl boogied all night! 
I think she is addicted to Quinceañeras.

To view the current photos from our night at the Quinceañera, click HERE. 
(More photos will be added to that flickr set in the next couple of days.)


  1. I am Hispanic; and girl, let me tell you- crashing a party is a bizarre notion in the Hispanic culture. You are always encouraged to celebrate along at a fiesta. ;)
    I bet they had good food!


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