Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer Break: Day 82

Did you know that August is Audio Book Appreciation Month??
I didn't either---until I read it in Zoey's latest copy of American Girl magazine.
So, the girls & I took a trip to the library today & scoured the shelves of listenin' books & picked up a few.
They were so excited to get home & pop in a CD to listen to while they played.
I chose a couple audio books also: The Hobbit, & The Great Gatsby.
I'm dreaming of all the places I can be read to: while lounging on the couch, while soaking in the tub, while relaxing on the porch, while dozing off to sleep...
Reality is this: while cooking in the kitchen, while in my car running errands, while working in my art studio, while house-cleaning...

1 comment:

  1. i'm going to the great gatsby at the theatre on saturday!


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