Friday, May 20, 2011

School's Out!!

The girls eased into the last day of school with absolutley no difficulty.

Before heading home though, we raided the library for our first round of summer reading. Couldn't find it this time, but I'm really hoping to start "The Little House on the Prairie" series.

The girl's scootered around outside until dusk.

We sat around the dinner table & shared our "high's-&-lows" while munching on fajitas. Zoey shared how her high was that school was over. And that her low...was that school was over. (She said she's really gonna miss her teachers, Mrs. Bilby & Mrs. Payne.)

Late night baths were followed by even later night movies on the sleeper sofa downstairs.
(Indian in the Cupboard)

And eventually, sleepy little heads sauntered up to their beds for sweet summer dreams.

Day 1, here we come...


  1. Hye friend.. you have a nice blog.. but you can earning money on your blog visit my blog..

  2. jealous...M's last day isn't until June 1! We've got some big plans though.


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