Saturday, May 21, 2011

Summer Diary Day 1: Slime & Surprises

 Dear Summer Diary,
We've been slimed.
I found this tutorial via my recent introduction to pinterest.
Visit the link for the "Gak/Slime Tutorial" found HERE on the blog Skip to my Lou.
You just need liquid starch, Elmer's glue & food coloring.
The ratio of starch to glue is 1:1. We mixed 1/3 CUP of starch in a baggie & added food coloring. We only put in 3 drops of color, but it came out really light. Next time we'll prolly add more color. (You can add whatever measurement of starch:glue you want.)
Next we added 1/3 CUP glue & mixed it up in the baggie.
We got discouraged at this point because it wasn't mixing really well.
The tutorial we followed said there would be a little bit of liquid leftover in the bag. But there was a LOT of liquid left in ours. And when we took out the slime, it was really slimy. Too slimy. A wet yucky mess. We almost dumped & started over. But as our slime sat on the table, we realized it was starting to firm up some.

We kept squishing it in our hands, laying it on the table to firm up, & then washing & drying our hands. Eventually, it came out as it should. (Yay!)
Like this...

BONUS SURPRISE.... I soon discovered that this stuff reminds me of "Flarp"---or as we call it in my house: Fart Putty! So, I grabbed a glass & let the farty noises begin!
Pretty soon, my house was full of a chorus of faux cheese cutters.
Imitators of the big wind.
Gas passers extraordinaire.

You just push the "putty" into a small plastic cup or glass.
And then giggle. A lot.

Even Mr. WhiMSy love got in on the fun---as did the house full of guys that happened to be over at the the time.
Farts are funny.
Plain & simple.
I'd say we started off our summer with a bang.
Well, with a honk & a toot at least. 



  1. Dear Nikki, I am surprised how soon your kids starts holidays. Here in Spain Dani´s last day of school is 22nd of june and he comes back around 6th september. I think you have started with a great project. I will try to look for similar materials here in Spain... but ...
    Have a nice summer. Maria.

  2. Oh I'll have to remember this one!! Such a gas!! ;)


    I think I might make this for my daycare kids!
    Thanks so much!



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