Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summer Diary Day 4: Car Trip Games

Dear Summer Diary,
 I had a list of games & activities to occupy the girls on our 6 hour road trip today, but honestly, the audio books, the regular kind of books & the portable DVD players kept them satisfied quite a bit.
However, I was able to convince the girls to play along with mommy toward the end of the ride.

The first activity involves aluminum foil. And it's simple: just shape it into ANYTHING!  I kinda think I got into this more than the girls did. My hat sure could compete with those wacky hats I recently saw at The Royal Will/Kate wedding, no?

Pazely makes a glove in this photo. She also made a little mushroom. Zoey made a heart & a dinosaur.

We also played a fun game called "Virtual Hide & Seek". The "hider" thinks of a spot to hide in their house. You can hide ANYWHERE in the house---just think of being as small as a mouse. Then, everyone else asks "yes" or "no" questions to figure out where the hider is hiding. Are you hiding in the kitchen? Are you hiding in the washing machine? Are you hiding in the toaster? You get the idea.

Both of these activities/games came from the website momsminivan.com. (Thanks Brenda for the link!) SUPER amazing website full of TONS of ideas for car travel!!

We're chillin' in Lincoln & will spend the next 3 days in Omaha.
We've decided it's fun to explore the big{ger} city.



  1. Love the pic and your story! Looks sooo fun!


  2. Omaha, my old stomping grounds. Enjoy!

  3. Mom's minivan is a great site...we always play car bingo...my girls love it. We will be playing with aluminum on our way to camp this summer...thanks!

  4. oh my lord, that tin foil idea is the best thing EVER. I am so going to use that in July when we have our 6 hours trip south, my kids will love it (age 8, 7 and 1). Thank you, I came here from Babble.com and I like your spirit!

  5. Thanks for the great road trip ideas! We just had a 9 hour trip last week and thanks to the aluminum foil, mom's minivan website and a bunch of other games and activities that I put together my daughter had a GREAT time...and so did I! When we got home she declared the car ride was the BEST part of our vacation and that she had a blast! All thanks to your post!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.