Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week in Review: May 9-15

Less overwhelmed than last week. Yay! Trying to make the most of every minute. Freaks me out that the girls are completing their last week of school this week. The fam & I leave for a vacay to Omaha/Lincoln in 9 days. It's no tropical resort in a sunny locale---but it's someplace we've never been as a familiy. It'll be great fun! The zoo! We can't wait to visit the zoo!! And then I'll depart on a solo flight from Omaha to Washington, where I'm visiting my grandmother for 5 days. Her health is failing her.
I cried in church yesterday thinking about how this might be the last time I see her. I was just sitting there, taking notes, listening to pastor hubby preach & my mind started wandering & I began thinking about how I'm going to prepare my heart for this trip. I came to the conclusion that I have no idea HOW I'm going to do that. When I say goodbye, I'm saying goodbye forever. And every time I think that, I start getting all glisteny in the eye area. Like now. I know there's the whole, "You'll see her in heaven someday" thing. But I want her here on earth with me. I know that's selfish. But that's where I'm at right now. I hate being so far from my family. It's hard. I want to enjoy every moment I have with her while I'm there visiting, but I'm afraid I'll be a mess of emotions, thinking about how many days I don't have left with her. Maybe I can cry out all the tears before I leave so that I won't have any left when I get there.
Thanks for listening friends.
I'm sure there will be more where that came from...
Click HERE for a photo play-by-play.


  1. Just did Omaha & KC as a fam over spring break. The Omaha zoo is fantastic! Great downtown area, too!

  2. Said a little prayer for you and your grandma. Now that I'm all grown up and very far away from mine, I think of your situation and I pray that day is far away for us. I know it's selfish but like you said, I want her here with me. Love and prayers for you!

  3. Have to echo the part about the Omaha Zoo. It is a wonderful place. Your girls will love it!


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