Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankfulness: Day #21

I'm thankful for...
...my couch.

Some days it's hard to find something to be thankful for.
Especially when I'm feeling sickly & rather selfish & whiny.
But I love my couch. Particularly on days like this.
It's giant & cushy & cozy & swallows me up.
It's one of the first purchases the Mr. & I made together 12 years ago.
Even Tia, 1200 miles away, misses my couch.
It's a great nappin' couch.
And an excellent ploppin' sofa.
And it's one of my most favorite places to hang out in the house.

1 comment:

  1. your couch sounds like my kind of couch, perfect. adore that quilt but not as much as your sweet little corner of the blog world. you feel better-miz whimsy love!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.