Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thankfulness: Day #29

I'm thankful for...
...a found puppy!!

I know several of you have been asking, & I'm SO happy to report that he has been found!
My friend's puppy, Steev, went missing. And, oh what a horrible feeling that is. I haven't experienced that so-sad-you-feel-sick-in-the-gut feeling in a long time. And he's not even my dog! That must mean I like him or something. It's really hard to see your friend so sad & not be able to do anything about it. We looked & looked & looked but couldn't find the little brown monster. 
 BUT, a nice lady found him (apparantly not too far from his home, but across Main Street nonetheless) & took him home, with the intent to call the authorities the next morning. And she did. Steev & his mommy master were reunited the next day.
I'm so relieved! And thankful! The day he was gone really was one of the saddest days ever.
I bet he gets a microchip in his stocking this year.


  1. Hooray for Steev's homecoming (and for human humans that take in lost pup-pups, as well!) But, shhh! don't tell!--> "Santa" will be putting a chip (Hm. Maybe two or three would be best?) into our mentally challenged cat (<--I think I should blog about that guy, sometime.-->) Noddy's fireplace sock, come Christmas!

    Loove (<--Beatlespeak, which is what I am up to, today!),

  2. Yippie - Steev's back home! What a cute little guy too. When reading your post I realized that I hadn't had that sick-in-your-gut feeling for a while either...... I am so lucky. Steev's lucky too!

    Doggie slobbers all the way around!!

  3. These are great news! I'm glad the dog was found, thanks to that lady. I remember the day my boyfriend's dog ran from home, she stayed outside 3 days until we found her! We were so worried, because he lives near a highway and she could try to cross it. Someone found her and send her to the animal shelter. A microchip is one of the best things you have in these cases!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.