Monday, December 12, 2011

Week in Review: December 5-11

The weeks keep getting more & more busy, leading up to Christmas...

I LOVE that I get to dive into my Etsy shop. It's been a while since I've gotten to sit & make stuff in such quantities & package them up & ship them off to happy customers. The extra ca$h for Christmas shopping is bonus too! (Although, I'm more likely to buy things like groceries, or even more exciting: gas for the ole ugly van.)

The Mr. & I enjoyed the elementary school children performing their Christmas program. Our little Zoey had some speaking parts.

We enjoyed a splattering of snow. But it's all gone now.

Tacos Mexico, in Scottsbluff, made our week extra happy. Seriously, all I have to do is mention the name of that restaurant & the Mr. lights up. Now, if I can figure out how to stuff some carne asada tacos in his Christmas stocking, I'll be the most awesome wife ever.

This week will be busier than busy-busy, & it includes things like annual Christmas letter-writing & holiday pictures of the girls to photograph. It also includes things like: an ornament exchange & party with the ladies of my church, & some horse-drawn wagon riding, complete with caroling. And then there's a newspaper column to write today, Crafty Night tomorrow, & games to plan for our church Family Fun Night on Wednesday. Finger-foods to make, dishes to bake. Work twice a week, finish holiday shopping, & mail prezzies to family far away. The list goes on...

I'm looking forward to things slowing down after this week. I'm anxious for some fun time with my girls when they get out for Christmas break too. (That's not until NEXT week though...)

For a photo play-by-play, click HERE.

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