Sunday, January 1, 2012

Week in Review: Dec 26-Jan 1

The Mr. woke me up last Wednesday morning & suggested we spontaneously take a family trip to Cheyenne for the night. It seems we have been a bit stuffed up in this house since Christmas break began &, though I'm perfectly fine {honestly!} being all stuffed up in my cozy house, I agree it's good to escape the norm & get a change of scenery. Even if only for one night.

Our spontaneous day didn't get started until after the Mr. suggested we clean the house first. Everyone went to work doing laundry, vacuuming, scrubbing, wiping, straightening, making beds, etc. In my book, spontaneity doesn't include housework & chores, but I just played along.
The drive is about 2 hours & when we arrived in Cheyenne, we immediately searched the city for a toy store. Sadly, we didn't find much. Pazely is longing for a teddy bear that she didn't get from her Christmas wish list. I didn't realize it would be so difficult to find a stuffed teddy bear. (We are currently without a cuddly bear friend, & may have to order online. Which makes me nervous. Because you want to squish it & hug it & make sure it can fit in the krook of your arm just-so before calling it "keeps". Ya know?) In our teddy bear searching, the girls did manage to find a way to spend some of their Christmas money.

The girls & I drooled over all the crafty loveliness at Michael's. I was super spoiled with a set of Prismacolor colored pencils. I feel so guilty! But the Mr. says I deserve it.

We ate dinner at the Texas Road House. The girls especially love restaurants with a crunchy peanut shell flooring. After stuffing our bellies with ribs & pulled pork & cheeseburgers & salad, we returned to the hotel & headed for the pool. When we walked into the pool area, two gentlemen were hanging out in the hot tub drinking Corona's. They immediately evacuated. Nothing like a couple of squealy hyper little children to kill the buzz. The hot tub was amazing. Me in my swimming suit, not so amazing.

Wow, I've got to do something to get rid of the excess. I killed several pounds this summer, but once the cooler weather hit, I found it hard to maintain a healthy eating habit. I can't help it. Cookies like me. And I hate having to be a part of jumping into the whole New-Year-New-You bandwagon. But I'm jumping this time! I'm jumping BIG.

Anyway, we watched movies all night in our hotel room. In the morning, we woke up &, as often happens on our hotel visits, the Mr. & the girls headed down to breakfast in the lobby. I stayed back to get myself ready & get our things packed away. Then there was the familiar tiny knock on the door. The girls always bring me breakfast & then scurry back to the elevator to take another ride down to finish their morning meal.

We spent a couple hours at Barnes & Noble before heading home. Each of us had a Starbucks drink in hand. Zoey sipped on a gingerbread steamer. Pazely slurped a peppermint hot cocoa. I had an iced chai latte & the Mr. had a regular coffee. The Mr. secured base next to a lady reading her nook & napping at intervals, while the girls & I ran off to gather our things: I loaded my arms with crafty books & magazines, Pazely found joke books & animal puppets, & Zoey plopped at our feet to play with her new toys purchased the day before.

The severely windy ride home was stressful. We passed several accidents, one included an overturned semi truck. Needless to say, we were all anxious to get home. And I admit, when I walked into the house & smelled the lingering scent of Pine-Sol, it made me smile.
Click HERE for a photo play-by-play.


  1. That's so awesome! My hubby suggested the same thing to me last week, we went to San Diego for the night. Getting away really hits the reset button for us, it was great! I'm glad you got some great family time! Happy New Year!

  2. Did you find a teddy bear for Pazely? Nathaniel has quite a collection. If you are still looking we could send a special one in the mail....


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