Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring Cleaning

I'm trying to clean things up a bit around here, create a more simple space to browse. Less jumbly. I've started by incorporating TABS underneath the blog banner up top: Home, About Me, Contact, DIY, Parties, Food, Publicity. (It's just the "Pages" feature on blogger.)

The tutorials from my blog are no longer listed on the right sidebar. You'll find them (+ many others)under the "DIY" tab. You'll also find the links to the 2010 AND 2011 Summer Fun Diary Series in the DIY tab. I've minimized the right sidebar quite a bit actually.

I also created a "Parties" tab, to share all the fun parties I've done for the girls (+ some extras).
I'm excited about the space those tabs give me to organize. I wish I could figure out how to create 3 boxes across (in the DIY tab especially) instead of having one continuous long row of photos. But, it's better than it was before, in my opinion.

I'm still trying to clean things up, by creating little logos, horizontally, under my photo on the right sidebar where you can click on links to find me on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, etc. (And then I can get rid of the "Contact" tab up top.) I'm basically stumbling around the www & trying to find do-it-yourself instructions on how to do all that stuff on my own. It's a slow process because I'm a semi computer dummy.

I see all these awesomely beautiful creative-looking blogs on the internet & wish I could be that someday.
*sigh* Sometimes I feel so inadequate.

Hopefully you'll have fun peeking around & things are more accessible than they were.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.