Thursday, June 14, 2012

Week in Review: June 4-10

Last week I...
...took a 6 hour road trip with the fam to Lincoln, NE.
...went to the National Museum of Roller Skating.
...smelled oodles of lovely roses.
...watched marathon episodes of "Storage Wars" & "Chopped".
...cozied down at a Barnes & Noble.
...jumped into a foam pit at an indoor playground, intended for children. (The Mr. & I couldn't help it!)
...ate loads of gourmet flavored jellybeans.
...received the June/July2012 issue of Family Fun mag & squealed at my bug catchers featured inside!
... finished reading The Long Winter to the girls. Now we're reading Little Town on the Prairie.
...helped Zoey pack for summer camp.
...made dinner on the BBQ like a champ.
...laughed when the Mr. told me he saw a hitchhiker holding a sign that said, "Won't kill you".
...ate a whopper with cheese, no pickle, no onion, at Burger King while Footloose played in the background.
...ate cupcakes.
...crafted with my littles.
...watched my little ones happy on our mini vacay.

Click HERE for a photo play-by-play.

1 comment:

  1. love your happy documentation of your days! blessings! and pass the cupcakes.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.