Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Week in Review: December 3-9

Last week I...
...spent a complete WHOLE day working on a stop motion video for a friend's birthday. It was totally last-minute & I did it in a hurry. But I know she'll love it! If you have 8 minutes, click HERE to view it.
...have continued enjoying the "Truth in the Tinsel" advent experience with the girls. (I've been posting a few of our ornaments on Instagram. Click HERE to follow me on Instagram!)
...was delivered coffee & my favorite Starbucks petite vanilla bean scones by the Mr. (Him loves me.)
...took a lovely visit to the library with the girls.
...had a "girls night in" with Zoey & Pazely. We ate stuffed baked potatoes, watched a holiday movie & crafted. 
...helped with some Christmas decorating at the church.
...talked to my mom, dad & grandma via Face Time on my iphone. Coolest ever.
...watched Pazely eat her first Whopper. Woot! Woot!
...slept in on Saturday, waking to find that the Mr. fed the girls ice cream cupcakes for brekkie.
...made guacamole for the first time, with the Mr.
...finger knitted.
...thoroughly enjoyed watching the documentary "Jiro Dreams of Sushi".
...cooked another yummy Pinterest dinner: Cheesy Chicken & Rice Bake.
...crafted Christmas prezzies like a mad-woman, for all the little people in my life. The "Build Your Own Snowman Kits" turned out awesome!!

Click HERE for a photo play-by-play.

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