Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Week in Review: March 25-31

Last week we enjoyed 4 days off for Spring Break. Easter weekend was a busy one, too. The Mr. & I prepped for our presentation at church. 
Here's a peek at just some of the work I did:

I got all painty & messy & it was awesome. Those boxes total about 6 feet tall & span about 4.5 feet wide, so it was a large "canvas" to play with. I had lots of fun. Of course I learned a lot too. Like: watch that first step on stage---I almost tumbled mid-service. Ugh. Embarrassing to the max. Anyway, if that kind of stuff is gonna happen, it always happens to me. Klutz magnet right here. (*points to self*)

We had friends over for the weekend, & we took our youngest kidlets to the city Easter egg hunt. Which was lots of quickness & craziness. Later in the afternoon we decorated Easter eggs. I wanted to try Sharpies this year. And it was easy peasy & awesome! The kids & I had a blast. 

Sunday night, I prepared for the girls' Easter egg hunt. I think this is the 3rd or 4th year we've done the night-time Easter egg hunt. I hide plastic eggs around the yard, give the girls each a flashlight & send them on their way. This year we added glow sticks to the mix. Zoey helped me put a glow stick inside each plastic egg. Not as easy as it might seem. We had a tricky time getting them into the eggs. I taped each egg shut to ensure they wouldn't pop open. Oh! It was fun! The yard looked so cool with little glowing egg-shaped orbs everywhere. I think we will add this feature to our egg hunts from now on. The girls connected their glow sticks end-to-end & made a long windy sculpture that I hung in their rooms for a one-night-only funky glowy nightlight. 

Let's see, what else did I do last week?
* I made VINES to my heart's content. (Even one for my mommy's birthday.)
* I took Zoey to her final appointment to get a "W" wire put in her mouth. It's to prepare the way for braces in the future. Poor thing. She was in a lot of pain for about 3 days. It broke my little mommy-heart.
* I received an orchid from the Mr. & the girls. Just because. I am slowly killing it. Don't they know I can't keep plants alive? It is really depressing. Really.
* The fam started watching The Voice last week! Woohoo! LOVE that show. 
* The fam hung out at Starbucks on a lovely spring morning.
* We also made a visit to Dairy Queen. Peanut Buster Parfait in my belly.
* I listened to thunder, & watched the rain & hail & lightening. (I love a good storm.)

Click HERE for a photo play-by-play.

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