Friday, May 17, 2013

DIY: Fashion Sunglasses

Though not technically summer yet, it is the first day of summer break in our household. The girls finished school yesterday...& the fun has begun! 

This super easy project requires only a few items. First, acquire a pair of inexpensive sunglasses. The 2 pair used in this tutorial came from Walmart. But try thrift stores too. 

You will also need some fancy embellishments to attach to your glasses. You can use buttons (if necessary, simply remove shanks with pliers), flat-backed charms or medallions (the giant bows came from, or vintage jewelry (a lonely earring with a missing mate, perhaps?).


And, lastly, you'll need E6000 glue. (I recently started purchasing the tiny tubes sold in a 3-pack. The big tubes always dry up on me & I waste so much product.) Grab some E6000 & glue your charms, buttons, doodads, or jewels in place. Let it dry overnight. Then rock this summer with your stylin' shades!




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