Monday, October 21, 2013

Week in Review: October 14-20

These Week in Review posts never conjure up very many comments or views. I get it, it's the whole unappealing idea of looking through someone's family photo album that you barely know. (Boring City.) But I like to write these posts, I like blabbing about my week, about what's going on in the WhiMSy love home, about the randomness that's flittering about in my head. So, though the crickets chirp, I shall go on...

I haven't gotten back into the swing of a regular creative routine since the move 4 months ago. I'm finding this to be normal though. It was the same way with each of our 3 moves in the last 4 years. I'm anxious to be settled, to find a rhythm. And yet, the horizon is still blurred for our little family of four. Since arriving in Washington, the Mr. has been volunteering at a local church, our old home church when we lived here before. Yet, volunteering doesn't pay the bills, & regular employment has not revealed itself yet. Which means moving may be in our future again. I'm hoping & wishing & praying & begging God to please, please, please let me stay near my family. It's so amazing to be able to walk down the street to visit with my mom, to help dad mow the lawn every week, to have regular breakfast & tea with the ladies of my family, to make jam with grandmother, to run errands with mother, to squeeze the tiny necks of my nieces, to kiss the face of my nephew, to go to my brother's house for his birthday. I love that they all are, essentially, my neighbors. I love that a visit, when so desired, is immediate. So I sit & wait & pray, & wonder what will happen next. Though I am slightly freaking out about all that goes along with NOT having an income, I do not lose hope. 

And lately I've been too preoccupied to become overwhelmed by the current circumstances. This is what I've been up to lately...
•Volunteering to help plan crafts/activities for Pazely's 4th grade class. Last week the Silly People Drawings &  The Roll a Pumpkin Game were big hits!
•Apple picking with friends at an orchard I remember going to as a kid. 
•Taking an outing with the fam to Country Mercantile, where we went on a hayride, picked pumpkins, went through a corn maze, saw cows & pigs & bunnies & goats, climbed hay bales, & brought home sweet treats from the chocolate factory in the form of seafoam, cake balls & gourmet candied apples. And, really, if I never step foot near a corn maze again, that would be ok. 
•Leading worship, on occasion, at church.
•Listening to the sounds of a newbie cello player. (Zoey got to bring her cello home last week!)
•Making hummus with my mother.
•Taking regular walks, & especially enjoying the Fall weather with all its leaf magic.
•Helping with heaps of homework. (Wowzers. Zoey's 5th grade load is sometimes overwhelming.)
•Browsing Pinterest for dinner ideas, where I have tested & enjoyed: Baked Apples & Leeks, Honey Garlic Crockpot Chicken (SOOOO yummy!), Roasted Avocado over Couscous & Mixed Greens, & Egg, Cheese & Sausage Strata.
•Hitting a 20-pound weight loss mark. (Still a long way to go, but I'm getting there!)
•Watching a marathon of Grimm.

And so, that is all for now. Hope your Monday was a happy one!


  1. I adore these posts! I am hoping you and your fam finds the rhythm you all need. Above all, trust me when I say DO. EVERYTHING. YOU. CAN. TO. STAY. BY. FAMILY. I believe I'm a smidge older (ok probably a few smidges) than you, but that's not what makes me wiser about this. Being isolated from my very few family members does. My girls are 3rd and 5th graders now, and the thought of being able to share daily activities with my extended family is what I most dream about. I pray the right job will keep you where you are!

  2. I love these posts also! You inspire me to do more. I will say prayers that things will work out for you and your family. And Congrats on the weight loss!! Way to go!

  3. 20lbs - that's awesome! i had no idea this latest move didn't PAY - geez, how do you do it??? that's insane. i hope this turns into a paying 'gig' and that you get to stay put. too much to ask??? <3


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