Monday, October 28, 2013

Week in Review: October 21-27

Last week felt like it was definitely a fall-ish week, what with its pie-making & pinecone crafting & leaf collecting.


I made my first pie from scratch, as you might recall from the recent blog post. I'm loving all these memories I'm creating with my grandmother & mom.  


The leaves on the trees are so gorgeous. *happy sigh* I want to bottle up their colors & keep them forever. My friend Julie & I went on a fall leaf walk last week along the river. We collected several leaves of varying shapes & colors. There were signs along the path that read "CAUTION: RATTLESNAKES" & I was trying to calculate how fast I could climb up Julie's shoulders in case I saw one. We never did see one. And I never did tell Julie my plans for an impromptu piggy-back ride.


Remember that tutorial I shared about the Pinecone Owlie & Hedgehog? I crafted that exact project with several 4th graders in STAR Club & they LOVED it. I was so motherly & cautious about letting them use the hot glue gun. But they wanted to show their independence & capability. So I let go. I call them my crafty home-girls. STAR Club is part of a reward system for the 4th grade classes. If the students turned in their work for the week, finish their assignments, & have avoided disciplinary issues, then they can attend the 25 minute STAR Club, choosing from a handful of projects & activities. I think if I were in 4th grade STAR club would be the highlight of my week.


The Mr. & I hit up a couple taco trucks. Man, I love me an authentic taco. It wasn't as authentic as that one time I went to Mexico & bought a taco at a street stand, complete with hairless, scabby dogs limping around my feet. That was some good eatin'. 


I got to hang out with my little twin nieces this week. We took a stroll through the last Farmer's Market of the season with my mom & grandmother. Did you see those adorable pumpkin buckets filled with pansies in the photo collage? So cute. I call them Jack-O-Pansies. I saw the sweetest little baby wearing a knitted viking cap at the Market. I met the coolest dude in dreads, crocheting. I tasted the most yummy pumpkin spice macaroons EVER. Honestly, I think that was the first macaroon I've ever eaten. Is that weird? I picked out a couple green heirloom tomatoes & have plans to fry them up with dinner later this week. I spied beautiful fall cut flowers & wished I woulda gotten a bouquet.


Did you see Zoey & Pazely's hair for Cray Cray Hair Day at school on the WhiMSy love facebook page? I am not very good at doing hair stuff. But I did my best. Zoey had dinosaurs peeking through her green hair. Pazely's was teased all over, colored purple & held in place with old-school Aqua Net. It was so big & awesome that people thought she was wearing a wig. I was so embarrassed, though, because after school the Mr. took Pazely to her hair appointment. (We didn't plan that on purpose.) The stylist had to shampoo her hair 4 times to get everything out!! *eek* I'm pretty sure she hates us.


It's 57 degrees outside today & I am giddy! 
Happy Monday!

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