Last week we finally got to experience a bit of real steady chilly-ish weather in my part of the world. Which makes me happy! I broke out the fall boots for the first time this season. And wore my coat. And my cowl. And my gloves.
I'm knitting up a storm with some new items in the shop. I'm so in love with the little bows. Not to mention that adorable woodgrain wrapping paper. (Which is just contact paper wrapped around brown kraft paper!) And that mustard colored yarn (vintage, purchased at a thrift store in the midwest) is my most favorite in all the land. There's only a tiny bit left in my stash. I might cry when it is all gone.
The Mr. took the littlest one on her date night this month. He surprised her with an outing to a pottery painting studio. It was the sweetest thing ever that he came up with this idea all on his own. I'm totally impressed. And I hope he keeps those creative date ideas rolling around in his head when it's MY turn for a date with him.
The fam & I took a 3 1/2 hour trip over the mountains on Saturday, to Seattle, to surprise my dad who had surgery in the VA hospital there. I must admit feelings of panic started to creep in, as I recall visiting him there almost 5 years ago when he was battling cancer & having the most horrendous of surgeries & recovery. It chokes me up to just think about it. He is at home recovering & resting now. In fact, I brought my sweet dad, mom & grandmother some homemade tomato, basil + parmesan soup that had been in the crockpot all day. My first attempt at soup-making was a success! Find the recipe HERE. It was so delicious---with all its onion, carrot & celery blended goodness. I also made breadsticks.
I totally disappointed my kids for Halloween this year. We stayed inside, ate fast food, watched The Voice & passed out candy to all the little trick-or-treaters. And some big ones. (I rather enjoyed the relaxing evening.) We didn't even carve our pumpkins. I have seen some adorable pumpkin decorating ideas on Pinterest. Who says I can't carve a pumpkin on, say...November 6th?
Last week I also...
...discovered a woodpecker eating our house.
...saw a rainbow.
...played Battleship.
...crafted up some personalized plastic plates with the girls, inspired by the movie "Free Birds".
...munched on beef jerky & Nutter Butters (My go-to road trip snacks!)
...giggled every time the Mr. used the word "cinnamons" in place of the word "synonyms".
...went on a Halloween walk with my friend Jules, complete with stick-on mustaches.
...stumbled across this phrase while doing some research online: Hipster Tea Party. I'm not even sure what that is, but I think I want to go.
...smiled at smoking chimneys nestled in pine-filled mountains.
...laughed as the girls heard "The Fox" song for the first time. (See my instagram for the video!)
...watched my 11 year old give THIS "Get Well" card to her grandpa. So creative & silly, that one.
...enjoyed the 2nd week in a row, visiting & worshiping at Blue Bridge Church in Kennewick. A church in a movie theater? Quite a cool vibe.
...had some long talks, prayers, a brainstorming sesh, & deliberations with the Mr. concerning our family's future. (You might recall my angst in THIS post, relating to our recent circumstances.) We came to some exciting conclusions, which I will be able to share soon.
your posts must be falling into spam because i haven't seen you post in ages. but, you are a Washingtonian again?? how did I miss that story? and, what happened to your falling apart mini-van. because that was one of my favorite posts ever. and I never heard about it again. and i'm sorry your dad was in the hospital. boo. and if you want to carve pumpkins, you should. if you were near here, you could carve them and feed them to my piggies. (because they are the cutest little heritage black piggies in the world!) I'm an hour north of Seattle. so when you are up here visiting the tulips, come visit my farm too. We are on the way. :)
ReplyDeleteWell, that's sad about the possible spam vortex that I could have been sucked into. And, yes, we are in Washington again! Arrived mid-June. Our falling-apart mini-van: Seriously, we bought a new-to-us van on the day the ugly van wouldn't run anymore. So happy to not have that thing in my life anymore!!!! Literally, the Mr. pulled up in front of the house with the new-ish van. I was so happy! Thanks for the sympathies about my dad. He is at home, healing up well, resting, driving my mom the usual nutso. So it's all good! I cannot wait to, someday, visit the tulips. They bloom around my birthday & I am determined to do it SOON. A visit to your farm & family would be fun! (For reals!)