Sunday, May 6, 2007

YOWZA! It's the Sunday Featured Artist...Tabitha Emma!

I think I like the name "Yowza!" for the Sunday Featured Artist segment of my blog. It's totally corny & fantastic & I love it!
Let's get right to it!...
I discovered our next artist on my beloved Etsy, where her shop just oozes goodness & fun!
Imagine cake...& ice cream...& frosting...& sprinkles....& lovely sweets that take you back to your childhood...
NOW, imagine those things, PLUS toss in some thread, rick-rack, zippers, lace, beads, & bright funky fabric...& you've discovered 'tabitha emma'!
Tabitha's line of sweet-(pun TOTALLY intended)-things include, not only her scrumptious line of dessert style bags, but other fun purses & bags for girls--& the young at heart!
So, let's meet this seamstress who bakes up a mean bag!

Where were you born, where are you from, where did you grow up, & where are you living now?
I was born in Sydney, Australia, in a hospital that no longer exists. I grew up and still live in Campbelltown, which is in the South West outskirts of Sydney.

What inspires you?
Childhood memories. I used to love playing tea parties, dress-ups, dolls etc. These games are reflected in my work.

How long have you been crafting?
Forever. My mum is an artist so she encouraged me and my brother to be creative. We also had access to a lot of craft supplies, we would do paper-machè, painting, play dough, craft, knitting, cooking and sewing. Then when I went to high school I discoved textiles and fell in love with sewing and designing and went on to do a fashion design course which I finished last year.

Share about, or describe your favorite piece.
Probably my slice of cake purse. I came up with the idea about 2 years ago but never got around to making it, then this year when I launched my etsy shop I discoved the original sketch and decided to try & make it. I’m really happy with the way it has turned out.

How much time do you spend on your craft?
Probably too much time. I work on it every moment I get and I have been known to stay up late or get up early to work on something. I also neglect things like doing my ironing as I would much rather be sewing.

So, you create using a lot of dessert themed foods. Do you actually like to eat those sorts of things?
I must admit I am a bit of a sweet tooth, but I do work at an ice-cream shop part time and I see just how much little children love sweet colourful foods. I also enjoy cooking as a creative outlet, you should see the cakes I make at Christmas time.

What's the best piece of advice you've been given on pursuing your craftiness?
Never give up and believe in yourself. The design industry is a tough world and you have to learn not to be too sensitive but constantly strive to do your best and push yourself. There is a lot of competition out there, but people without talent have become successful so if you have talent you are one step ahead.

What else would you like people to know about you?
I love design of all types and I wish there was more hours in a day for me to experiment and develop my skills. I really love etsy because there are so many creative people on there, which really inspires me. I also hate to throw things out as I believe I will one day find a use for it and I am running out of places to store things, I need a bigger house!!

Thanks Tabitha! (Um, I think you have some frosting on your lip...)
Tabitha's slice of cake purse happens to be my favorite also! I'm a sucker for any type of dessert-- real or not!...(stomach grumbles...)
Tabitha has more accessory & fashion products arriving soon at her Etsy shop. Also, check out her blog for extra creative goodness!
I think I'll go eat a cupcake now...

1 comment:

  1. Yummm, gonna go check her out! Thanks for sharing a neat artist with us!


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