Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fall is Upon Us. Let Us Celebrate.

I don't know why, but I think Fall is my favorite season. Well, wait. I DO know why. It is crisp & refreshing & the chill is in the air. And I know sweaters are coming soon. I love bundled moments in comfy blankets. Sips of hot tea, hot chocolate, hot cider. Hay rides, autumn leaves, cold pink cheeks. Pumpkin patches, my dad's heavy flannel plaid shirts. Warm scents & yummy eats......

I just listed a blank greeting card in WhiMSy love that says all these things to me. It is the first of my novice photographs that I've ever created something from. I hope you like it!

The first day of Fall is September 23rd. I always celebrate this day, & look forward to its arrival. I find some way to say "Hi Autumn!", whether it's a walk to look at the changing leaves & to feel the fresh air......or, by making some leafy crafty thing-a-ma-bob with my girls.......or any other way I feel is appropriate to welcome my favorite season.

Fall is upon us. Find a way to celebrate.


  1. Oh, I am right there with you! Fall is my absolute favorite time of year, and I always celebrate the first day of fall with a batch of pumpkin bread. (Here's the recipe, if you'd like). That recipe makes 8 mini loaves, which I then wrap up and deliver to anybody I'd like to celebrate with. I usually send a loaf or two in to school with the kids for their teachers, along with some claythings in autumn colors, usually a pen or a leaf pin. This particular September is a bit of a downer for me (you probably know why, if you've been reading my blog) but I'm going to try and enjoy my favorite fall things anyway. I really can't wait to put on a sweater, walk through some crunchy leaves, and come back to a mug of hot apple cider. Mmmmm. Fall....

  2. And after that ridiculously long comment, I forgot to say, I love your cards! That's a great photo.

  3. Thanks Lisa!! I love all your ideas!!!

  4. oh what a lovely fab card I really like, Autumn/Fall is my fave season too, i like wrapping up and cos allergic to sun such a better season for me. LOL.

  5. oh nikki forgot to ask do you still need me to send gift for your card compo ?


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.