Friday, November 16, 2007

Breaking Traditions

I'm thankful for traditions, but I'm also thankful for the ability to break them. Not everyone can break stuff- especially traditions.

This year for Thanksgiving we're going OUT to eat! The rest of my fam has had a bit of a hard time with this "new" idea (& it wasn't even originally my idea--MOM!), so Scott, me & the girls are going it alone. (There's no family feuding, just so ya know!) Every year there are always nice restaurants or hotels in town advertising their Thanksgiving feasts & this year we thought we'd give it a try. We're going to get all dressed up & fancy & make a great memory!
(And don't you love my 3 year olds "thankful" turkey feathers?)

I've recently declared Fridays as "fun days". The girls don't have preschool on this day & I thought we'd fill it with as many fun things that we can pack in a day! Zoey has requested a walk. So, as cold as it is, I'm going to suffer....for "fun's" sake & all. She drew out a map & everything! (See picture above.)
Then, we're going to see their Mi-mi (my mom) at work & deliver the goodies that she ordered from WhiMSy love---yes, aren't you also thankful for family members that are also your customers? And finally we're coming home to do crafty stuff & have Mexican hot cocoa. (I copied the cutest free Christmas pattern yesterday & I'll take a pic when it's done & show ya!)

This weekend I'll be busy making some more of my Sweet Christmas Cupcake Ornaments AND I'll also be making something Thanksgiving-y to give to the girls FOUR preschool teachers next week. Any great ideas out there? I'll be on a date with "google" later.

1 comment:

  1. oh sounds like it was going to be a fun day in your house, I hope your walk followed the map route.
    I think its great you are going out, we went out 2 christmas's ago and had a nice time plus no cleaning
    can't wait to see the new ornaments


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