Saturday, November 17, 2007

Thankful on a Saturday Night

It's late on Saturday. But, I'm getting my thankful thought in before the night is gone.
Me, Mr. WhiMSy love & the girls just got home from a birthday party. It was at a really cool place where the kids could all dress up & there was a castle inside, & a kitchen, a ship, a bus, a pizzeria, all sorts of "stations" where the kids could play pretend. The kids ran around, screamed, made a mess, had a blast.
Planning, decorating & throwing MY kid's parties is one of my most favorite things to do in the world! BUT, sometimes it is just nice to go to someone else's party & let the kids run around & be loud, make a mess & then I don't have to clean up. Someone else does.
So that's it. I'm off to get crafty now. Vintage button rings coming next week to the shop! YAY! Just in time for Christmas!! I thought I was going to get crafty today for my "Nikki Time", but I had a last minute change of plans when I decided to hang out with my mom for some Christmas shopping. I picked up some handmade gifts! I'm sticking to my pledge to buy handmade.
Tomorrow's post is going to be super duper long. I've spent a few hours putting together "Themed Christmas Gift Ideas". Hope you enjoy!
Love & Cupcakes,

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