Thursday, November 22, 2007


" The turkey has been eaten, the ham has been devoured, the pie is sticking to my hips just like a fluffy cloud." Did you like that? I made it up just now. HAHA!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! My last Grateful Days Challenge comes at the late eve on Thanksgiving. My belly is full by the way.....

I'm thankful for all my blog friends, & Etsy friends, my new BFF, & "doll", "princess charming", "duchess", & other new friends I've stumbled upon & met this year. I'm thankful for all who have visited my blog & left comments & for silly emails back-n-forth. I'm thankful for being able to peek into my favorite crafty friends' lives through their blogs & getting inspiration or encouragement & learning more about this crafty world that I LOVE so much!

Ok, the kids are in bed, Mr. WhiMSy love is watching football, & I'm off to do my favorite thing: make stuff!

Oh, & look what just arrived at 'WhiMSy love'. As I was beginning to make more of my "Rockin' Record Bowls', I made a sweet NEW thingie: Rockin' Record TRAYS!!! They are quite cool!


  1. Hey you! You are about the 'rockinest crafty chick' there is!!
    I am truly thankful for you too! I pray you and Mr.Whimsylove and your kiddos had a blessed Thanksgiving...

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!! I'm thankful I've found you through etsy and blogging.

  3. well hello miss thing, how yummy does that plate look, oh I miss thanksgiving dinner.
    Loving the tray way to cool.
    defo a new item for WhiMSy Love.
    Thanks for being the best bud ever I am totally thankful for you.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.