Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A Lull

I'm the type of person who thrives on busy-ness. I want it all: Projects to make! Hunting for crafty supplies! Orders to fill! Packages to ship! Trips to the post office! And I want it all the time. But for now, I'm experiencing a lull.

I want those Christmas orders to be rolling in, but they're barely c-r-e-e-p-i-n-g in. I should be thankful for the lull, but I'm not. The reason I SHOULD be thankful is that it gives me a chance to do the handmade Christmas thing for my own family. I've got playthings to sew up for my girls & niece, rings to make for my sis-in-law & bro-in-law's wifey, a Christmas design to sketch for mom's holiday cards, paintings to finish for my nephew, purses to make for grandma & mom, & holiday shopping to do on Etsy! So, I guess I am thankful, in a bitter-sweet kind of way, for the lull.

I was embellishing some kitchen towlels with acorns last night for my girls to give to their preshcool teachers this morning, as a gesture of Thanksgiving. As I sat on the couch last night, sewing & watching TV, a commercial came on for "Day after Thanksgiving" shopping. This particular store is opening its doors at 4AM! What the heck? Who of you crazy fools out there shops at 4 am? Do you know what that means? It means you actually get up at 3-something in the morning to get ready for the 4AM shopping spree! That is just insane. Well, while you're out there shopping BEFORE THE SUN EVEN RISES, I'll be sleeping. But THEN, I'll be cozily sitting in front of my computer wearing cuddly jammies & sipping hot cider while my warm fingertips click away as I window shop, Etsy-style, through lovely stores filled with handmade goodies.


  1. Oh, I soo agree! I'm all for a good deal..but come on ladies! 4 am? I'll be right there with ya Nikki! nice and warm..sippin' coffee and enjoying finding lovelies from home...

  2. I love the towels tons, you should totally make some for your shop if you haven't already!! True Story.


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