Saturday, February 9, 2008

I'm One Pooped Mover. And It's Only Just Begun...

I've got a lot of bits of something's & nothing's to say.....

I'm so excited about the "One World One Heart" Blog Event. I've found a few blogs that I might just have to call "favorites" & I do hope I get some new stragglers peeking in more often now too! That would be fun! And, if I don't win something I will throw a tantrum. I'm serious. I have entered almost every one of the 300+ drawings. I'm a sucker for a prize. (I think the fact that I'm in "limbo" between houses helps me escape in the evenings & have lots of time to play the role of "the contestant". ) I can't wait to have MY drawing on Valentine's Day too! Check it out HERE to enter, in case you haven't already!

Oh, & the move? I'm already overwhelmed. Why does moving have to be so overwhelming? And stressful. And emotional. Why can't moving be like a carnival? I'm not looking so sassy these days.

We'll officially be in the house next Saturday, the 16th. But we've already begun taking boxes of stuff-n-things when we can, cleaning the kitchen & bathrooms, laying shelf paper in all the cupboards & drawers (holy poo that takes a long time), painting (ugh) & making sure the girls have enough of their own "stuff" in the new house to help them not feel lost. It's not like we finally OWN our own home. It's still a duplex, still a rental, but it's bigger & I'm excited & I can't wait to make it mine.
The two pictures above are where Mr. WhiMSy love & I will be living. It's what the owners of the house (who lived their for 18 years) called "the wife's walk-in closet." I need to make it fabulous somehow because it is really ugly. So, this is the "Before" shot. I'm pretty sure the "After" will look a lot different.
Here's the girls eating on our dining room table shaped like a floor.

The girls & I HAD to take a break with all the serious moving rig-a-ma-roo so we took some photos with my camera to pass the time....That's me doing a headstand against the wall with my baggy paintin' clothes on....& here's Zoey jumping up & down. She looks like a ghost...

I call this next photo "Lonely Bruised Banana In An Empty Fridge"...

The whole "in-between" two houses sucks. I haven't even been able to crack open my brand new still-in-the-box tecre brand button maker!.... I'm STILL waiting for my packaging to arrive so I can put my cupcake paintings in the shop..... I've not been able to create stuff & put new & exciting things in the shop either.... I'm complaining a lot right now which sucks too.... But, I'll look on the bright side: I get to create a whole new art studio soon & have all my things in their rightful places instead of scattered around the house in several seperate locations. YAY! And a coolness fact I forgot to mention: The new house is PINK! HAHA! Love it. It was SO meant to be. Oh, & I do think I found a proper spot in the new pad for my "Monsieur Cupcake" painting. He's so cute. I love him.

Cupcake surprise!
On top of all the moving biz, I have TWO days to make 35 of these little cupcake treasures AND figure out a little treat to put inside of them today for the ladies at my MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) group. Our theme of "Birthdays" should be LOTS of fun! I'm totally excited to show them how to paint those birthday plates I showed you a few days ago. The cupcakes in the picture were made by a cupcake swap partner, Jeannie, last year. She made them & filled them with goodies for my girls! Wasn't that sweet?

Oh, & dad was totally surprised by the king cake! He thought I made it. How sweet. My dad thinks I can make anything. And mom got the baby hidden inside.
Thanks for letting me just talk randomly. Ahhhhh....all better now.


  1. you know i bet if you asked they would let you paint that paneling. tell them you will do an awesome job to and it wont be a crazy color. its worth a shot.
    i stillhave mine in our hallway half primed which huby hates. he cant stand when i start projects and never get back to them. especailly when everyone can see them.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Even when you are random and all moving-y, I still LOVE your blog! :) Can't wait to see the "after" pics!

    LOVE the cupcakes Jeannie made--those rock my socks! :)

    (I actually think the banana photo would make a good "I Miss You" card! :)

  4. Hang in there girlfriend. You always make lemonade out of lemons! I can't wait to see what you do with your new room!

  5. Can't wait to see what you do with the new place. Those cupcakes you made are awesome!

  6. They say that next to death and divorce, moving is one of the hardest things to cope with. We've been "moving" for the past ten months. Hate it! :P

  7. Oh gosh yes... You will work your Whimsy magic and your new home will be beautiful!!
    You look soo tired... I hope you get some rest soon!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.