Wednesday, March 26, 2008

**cough cough** Hi guys!

Today I see a tiny little sliver of germ-free light at the end of this sickie tunnel. Thank you all for your kind words & comments & emails & prayers & thoughts. They were MUCH appreciated & gave me happy & grateful flutteries inside. Pazely is doing well & we're all slowly on our way to being healthy.

I'm even up for a bit of show-n-tell....

I was inspired to make these when Jeanetta left a comment about my vintage button rings:

"...and i need to get you to turn those buttons into a broach for me. i am not
much of a ring wearer but love me some broaches!"

I used to make yo-yo's (& then I saw that Country Living magazine had a spot about yo-yo's in the April issue!) so, all that smooshed together & turned into my "Sassy Yo-Yo Brooches".
I worked on these while in the hospital with my wee one. They were the perfect little project to keep my fingers (& mind) busy!

This was our view at the hospital. Though the jungle animals became our friends, we were anxious to get home!

After breakfast at the hospital, Pazely came home & the girls & I decorated eggs. Our Easter was a little different this year. And that's OK. I like to mix it up a bit anyway. It was almost bedtime before we had an egg hunt in the living room.
Before little teeth devoured these chocolate bunnies, I quickly snapped a picture. I thought they looked like big sister/little sister bunnies. So cute!

Zoey was heartbroken when she found out that we wouldn't be going to our church Easter morning due to her sister's recent hospital visit & most of us still being sick. She'd been so anxious all week to wear the new dress she received from her grandma in Arizona. So, I let her wear the dress all day at home. And she did. Shoes & all. ALL day. We had some fun outside with a little photo shoot. It was quite chilly & lightly sprinkled rain the whole time.

And I just had to show Pazely's Easter photo. She wasn't able to actually wear the dress, so I laid it right on TOP of her--stockings & shoes too. We thought it was funny.

Oh, & I found out that even the tiny little hospital gowns are rather revealing too.

***Don't forget to enter my One Year Etsy Anniversary Contest! Click HERE to read & enter!


  1. Oh I'm so glad to see the family looking/feeling better. **sending lots of love from Wales**
    I'll be feeling 'pants-less' by the weekend, I'm sure ;P

  2. ooo i am so glad that i could inspire such lovely creations. :)
    glad you guys are all on the mend. my little one has manage to puke once a day for the past 5 days. odd huh?

  3. ahhh how cute is the mini gown on pazley, adorable.
    The girls look so beatuiful in there dresses.
    Umm yummy choc bunny I want one.
    I am glad things are going better, make sure you keep warm

  4. Great brooches! J should be happy now! And Pazely looks too cute like that - what a charmer! Hope you are feeling better!

  5. Glad Pazely is doing better! And Zoey looks SO pretty in her Easter best! :)

  6. What darling girls! Their Easter dresses look so sweet and that hospital gown is a hoot!
    Glad you're all feeling better!


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