Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Monkeys & Owies

Here's the project I recently finished that I let you have a peek at on my last post. It's a sock monkey!! It's a Christmas present for my nephew. I'm JUST now getting around to making it. I'm such a bad auntie. He's only 10 months--what does he care? It's a kit I ordered from The Spinning Monkeys. You can also order a kit with fiberfill, but I've got loads of that stuff already. The only part in the directions I didn't follow was to add eyelashes. I liked mine better without. It was super fun to make!

I was able to sew in my art studio for the first time since receiving a little creative space all to myself after the move. The organizing is going OK. I'm really overwhelmed at all the crafty crap I have. (The word "crap" is used in the most loving way.)

I'm super, super not feeling good. I took myself to the emergency room a couple mornings ago because the pain in my ear was so bad. Even though I have meds, it still hurts A LOT & it is zapping the energy from me. I'm hoping the antibiotics will do the little happy healing dance in my ear & I'll feel better. I've been lying on the couch watching all my favorite oldies game shows---Let's Make a Deal & Press Your Luck (remember the whammies??!!) on the Game Show Network.

Ciao!....& ow.


  1. Cool posts- I've been catching up. I really like the bubble photos and the fingerless gloves...and more:)

  2. oh feel better. love my cupcake cards and that monkey is the cutest

  3. omgosh i loved that game show! no whammies no whammies noooooo whammies!


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