Thursday, July 31, 2008

I always feel awkward mentioning such serious life issues on my silly blog, but oh well. My 4 year old was taken to the hospital last night after some complications from her recent tonsillectomy. She lost half her blood. My little pale wee one is at home now & I'll be spending some time getting the color to come back to her sweet little cheeks. That little girl has been through so much in the past year. I am anxious for her full recovery.


  1. Nikki we will keep you all in our prayers...Little one's being sick is no fun...

    God Bless,


  2. Sounds like a strawberry smoothie is in order? something pink for the cheeks, smooth for the throat, cool for the aches, yummy to the tastes, and just plain old good for the soul....hmmmmm.. don't mind if i have one myself....

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that your daughter is having complications from her tonsillectomy. That is so scary! My thoughts and prayers are with her and you...hang in there!

  4. Get well soon baby cupcake! xxx

  5. gosh nikki! she's had a time of it hasn't she? cyber hugs to the both of you! thankfully kids are incredibly resiliant.

    on a happy note - i made the cupcakes! i'm doing a post next friday for my friday photostory - come look!!!

    take care

  6. Nikki - ouch! That's no fun :( Cyber hugs and lots of prayers!

  7. poor lil punkin! I hope she gets well soon!

  8. o how scarey! and dont ever feel funny sharing about things. sometimes its just good for those that love to support you to have the chance to love on you some more. :)

  9. Oh no. :( I'm glad she's at home and doing well now. You two will be in my prayers!

  10. I will keep her & your family in my prayers!

  11. aww, i hope your little sweetie gets better soon ((hugs))

  12. Oh Nik, VERY large squeezies sent your way and Pazely's. Keeping her in my prayers. Love Beck

  13. oh sweet little thing, sending lots hugs from baby and me.
    I am sure with Mommy on hand those cheeks will be rosie soon

  14. sending prayers and good thoughts your way for your daughter and your whole family!

  15. I know I'm late to the party here, but I hope your little one is doing well now, and continues to improve! Hospital trips are scary.


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