Friday, July 11, 2008

Whimsical Children's Rooms Blog Party

Today is the party hosted by Laura Bray at katydiddys! As I was madly taking photos of my two wee one's rooms, I realized that they weren't up to showroom quality. I mean, who wants to see Tinkerbell undies strewn across the floor, or Barbie shoes sprinkled on the carpet? I decided that since the unmade beds & dollhouse debris wouldn't make for impressive snapshots, I would take pictures of special things in my girls room instead: close up shots that make you THINK the atmosphere is tidy.

We moved into our house 5 months ago & you'd think that would be enough time to get settled in. But, it's not. I'm not sure what the problem is, but my girls' rooms don't have that warmth & "homey" feel to them. They've shared a room for the past 2 years, so this is the first time they've had their own rooms. Maybe I just need to give them (& their rooms) some time to find their own decor identity. Anyway, I hope to get some ideas from other participants in this blog party on how to make their rooms more cozy & girly & less cold & uninspired.

The picture at the top is how I store my oldest daughter's dress-up attire. The large puffy dresses get hung right on the wall above her bed! It's artwork, it's a dress, it's artwork, it's a dress.

I painted the hangers to make it "extra special". And look! It's a cupcake! This was one of my very first cupcake paintings, about 5 years ago--long before I realized that I loved them so! I think I copied it right from a catalogue.

My daughter's pink bed is one of my favorite pieces. My mom picked it up at a garage sale for 3 bucks. I wish I had a "before" shot. It came with a headboard & footboard--but it belonged to a bunk bed. It was nasty looking. I sanded it, painted it, distressed it, waxed it, added finials to the posts & adorable white wood embellishments to each end. It was a lot of work, but well worth it. It was a surprise for her 2nd birthday---a big girl bed!

And I LOVE using mismatched linens--both old vintage & new vintage-looking. My oldest has pinks & blues & my youngest has yellows & greens.
I found this drawer to an old desk in someones trash! I added vintage kitty wrapping paper & hotglued buttons to the outside & now it hangs above my daughter's desk & holds her precious keepsakes. Free stuff rocks.

Hanging under the drawer is a banner I made. I found some vintage "ABC" clipart online & copied them, punched holes in them, strung some ribbon through, & swagged it above her desk. It's not only decorative--but useful: she refers to it often when stumped on her alphabet.

A trip to a nearby pottery painting studio resulted in this adorable hanging sign.

Artwork is very important to me & my kid's get to put theirs just about anywhere. Zoey decorates her door with loads of paintings & drawings.

I love the wooden letters you see at craft stores. And the wacky odd sized letters are right up my alley. I painted them out in different colors & hung them with that tacky putty stuff.

I also gave each of my girls a painting when they were born. Pazely has this above her desk.
Another cool find was this piece. I was told it is for holding patterns?? I use it to hold my girls magazines & coloring books. It sits in our living/dining room right next to a baker's rack which is FILLED with their art & creative supplies.

This is weird, but everywhere we have ever lived I have always had an obsession with making the girls bathroom cute. I love bathrooms! They are tiny & make-over pretty quickly.

The shower curtain rings were purchased from the Target $2.50 bin. I added the vintage buttons.

Above the girls towel rod is this vintage hand mirror that used to belong to my grandmother. I hung it on the wall at kidlet height so the girls can see themselves---you know, for that final check before heading out to play.

I love being "hands-on" in my girls' rooms. Most of their things have been thrifted or handmade. A lot of inspiration comes from books or magazines. Better Homes & Gardens puts out really cool Special Publications about "quick & easy decorating" or "kids' rooms". I snatch these up when I see them because they give SO many great ideas.

Now that you got a peek at MY children's rooms, go check out Laura's blog post (dated July 11 2008) to see links in the comment section & find other great children's rooms!! Party on!


  1. Great ideas Nikki! Thanks for playing along. My daughter's bathroom is next on our list & she has requested a mermaid bathroom-should be very fun!

  2. The bed is so sweet and a work of love! And I love the vintage linens, aren't they the best! Thanks for sharing your ideas! And thanks for visiting my blog today!

  3. Nikki - What a terrific tour (and what would we do without closeups?!!) The girls rooms are just wonderful. My favorite thing is the drawer, then it was the shower rings and what the heck I loved it all. Thanks, Nancy

  4. I love the wooden letters. What makes them look so great is that they are all different. Great idea.

  5. Its all beautiful, very attractive with the colours and layout. If you have a moment come visit me for children activities for all occasions.

  6. Fabulous! Very beautiful-attractive designs of layout. Thanks for sharing this nice idea. Perfect for tableware thing.


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