Thursday, October 23, 2008


I found this on Marmadaisy's blog. It's fun to do....

I am: a dork.
I think: I’ll stay in my pajamas all day today.
I know: I am loved.
I have: the most beautiful girls in the whole wide world.
I wish: I could make a living crafting.
I hate: housework.
I miss: the fluttery butterfly tingles in your tummy when you’re first in love.
I fear: heights.
I hear: my girls playing upstairs.
I smell: pumpkin pie.
I crave: pumpkin pie.
I search: for pumpkin pie.
I wonder: about my birth father.
I regret: nothing.
I love: to laugh.
I ache: because I just started working out at a gym. Oh, the pain...
I am not: a pessimist.
I believe: that children are our future. Teach them well & let them lead the way.
I dance: like a goofball.
I sing: silly “dork beats” all day long.
I cry: rarely, but probably should more.
I fight: to keep my house clean. (I fight with myself, you see. It's a constant internal war.)
I win: at being full of giggles. (That doesn't make sense, but I couldn't think of anything else.)
I lose: my keys & cell phone ALL the time!
I never: want to swim with sharks.
I always: befriended the "unlovable".
I confuse: my hubby.
I listen: very well.
I can usually be found: playing (with crafty things, on the computer, with my girls, etc.)
I am scared: of spiders.
I need: to get more organized.
I am happy about: the person I am becoming.
I imagine: that someday I'll be an old wrinkly lady still rockin' it with my crafty self.

In case you hadn't noticed---yesterday I added a link list in the sidebar to all the tutorials on my blog. It's right under the music playlist. The most recent tutorials will be listed first. Thanks for everyone's input & opinions! I included about 3 or 4 recipes, but don't plan on it being a "foodie" tutorial. Mostly crafty. But, I had to include the best of the best of the sweet treats. (I'm working on getting the little graphic perfected.) So anyway, ENJOY! Tute on!


  1. Fabby - what a fun list. I think we were separated at birth! :)

    I crave pumpkin pie all the time...


    Have a good one

  2. Thanks for the tutorials link! I love how easy it is to find them! P.S. I love your blog header!

  3. Thanks jingle!
    That was actually one of my first attempts, just recently, at computer doodling. It was silly fun to make!

  4. This was a really touching list. Thanks for sharing.

  5. hey Nikki - got your email the other day sorry I didn't reply bad blogger babe.
    Love this such a great idea, I have tagged you so check out my blog.

  6. omgosh did i write this? well i could have. i so feel that internal war.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. Every time you do, I do a little happy dance. For reals.